
In the recent era of globalisation, there is high concerned about maintaining corporate social responsibility in the business context so that the organisational representatives cab run their operational activities ethically and secure future sustainable development. The aim of the essay is to analyse the strategic planning of the corporate firms to manage their corporate social resistibility to make the business sustainable where the activities of the organisations cannot harm the other corporate firms and the society as a whole. through this essay, it is also posisbel to understand the concept of managing corporate social responsibility and the tactics through which the companies can create values for the overall social communities.

1. Ismail, M., 2009. Corporate social responsibility and its role in community development: an international perspective. The Journal of International Social Research. 2(9), pp. 199-209. 

As per the journal, corporate social responsibility is the strategic planning of the companies to make the business ethical and social friendly which helps the companies to create values for the social community. The theories and ideas of the corporate social responsibility are helpful in this journal to imporve understanding about the practice of corporate social responsibilities. the competencies of managing corporate social responsibility are also helpful in this paper which helps to evaluate the impacts of cooperate social responsibility on the society.

2. Carroll, A. B., 2015. Corporate social responsibility: The centerpiece of competing and complementary framework. Organisational dynamics, 44. pp. 87-96. 

Business ethics and corporate social responsibility are discussed in this paper and through the concept of corporate social responsibility as well as the practice of corporate social responsibility over the years are there in this journal which are beneficial to understand the concept and strategic planning of corporate social responsibility. Moreover, the future of corporate social responsibility as well as stakeholder’s management are there to understand the tactics of maintaining business ethics. However, the weakness of the journal is that there is no such data analysis and collection which may imporve the understanding about the corporate social responsibility practice and business ethics.

3. Hohnen, P., 2007. Corporate social responsibility: An implementation guide for business. [pdf] Available at: [Accessed on 4 November 2018]

The journal is beneficial as it helps to improve understanding about the contact and theories of corporate social responsibility, importance of corporate social responsibility and strategic planning of corporate social responsibility including stakeholder management, business ethical practice and commitments of managing corporate social responsibility. The study may include real life examples of the conglomerates which can analyse the practice of corporate social responsibility in managing the business ethics of the organisations. lack of understanding of the real life examples is the main weakness of this paper.

4. Reinhardt, F. L. and Stavins, R. N., 2010. Corporate social responsibility, business strategy and the environment. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(2), pp. 164-181.

The journal demonstrates the business environment and strategic planning of the corporate firms to maintaining their corporate social responsibility. Through this paper, it is possible to understand the profit sacrificing planning, insight of legal and business ethics and environmental policies which helps to discuss the practice of corporate social responsibility in the businesses. The study also helps to analyse the practice of improving environmental performance through which the corporate firms can secure future sustainable development. The study is beneficial, but it needs proper analysis on respect to real life examples of the companies.

5. Goel, D. M. and Ramanathan, P. E., 2014. Business ethics and corporate social responsibility – Is there a diving line?. Procedia Economics and Finance. pp. 49-59. 

Through this paper, it is possible to understand the practice of corporate social responsibility in the context of business ethics with the help of stakeholder theory and concept of ethical business practice. The journal is effective to discuss the current evaluation of corporate social responsibility and the indicators for improving business ethics through which it is posisbel to evaluate the practice of corporate social responsibility. The journal must include more theories for in depth analysis. The main weakness of the paper is that there is no such discussion ad current practice with the examples of different conglomerates which may improve the understanding of corporate social responsibility and business ethics.

The outline of the essay must include proper introduction, concept of corporate social responsibility, importance of corporate social responsibility in the business context, strategic planning for managing corporate social responsibility and ethical conduct of the business and concise conclusion and recommendations. Introduction and concept of corporate social responsibility are helpful to introduce the thesis of the essay and understand the theories ad practice of corporate social responsibility. The section of strategic planning in managing corporate social responsibility and ethical business conduct is also beneficial for this essay where it is possible to demonstrate the tactics of the companies and business practice of the leaders and the managers to make their corporate firms sustainable in doing their business ethically. After proper evaluation of the business practice, the conclusion and recommendations part are effective in this essay to conclude the ethical business practice as well as suggest some suitable recommendations through which the conglomerates can run their business sustainably by reducing the environmental impacts, improving green footprint of the business and creating values for the society through making the operational activities ethical.

It is necessary to represent the writing in a academic style with proper spelling and grammar as well as sentence construction where it is possible to make it understandable for the reader about the topic of the essay. I come to know about the practice of corporate social responsibility in the business practice where I try to represent the collected information in an essay format by taking care of my academic knowledge of grammar, representation skill, analytical skill and spelling. I found some difficulties to identify the exact information but later I try to analyse the collected data and evaluate it for developing an informative essay.

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