Research Methodology

How successfully have Eastern European countries been integrated into the EU?


European integration is a process of political, legal, economic, social, cultural and industrial integration of states where the states are connected to each other and the decisions also affects each state. The Eastern European countries try to integrate with the European Union (EU) to stabilise the industrial environment, political, social and economic environment of the Europe so that it is possible to provide suitable atmosphere to the citizens to live and enjoy the benefits of the European Union (EU) in terms of political, social and economic perspectives. the research provides a scope to analyse the ways of integration through which the Eastern European countries try to be integrated with the European Union (EU) so that the country can enjoy the benefits of EU and stabilise the internal environment of the countries.


  • To analyse the way through which the Eastern European countries integrated with the European Union (EU)


The objectives of the research are,

  • To analyse the ways of integration of the Eastern European countries for integrating with EU
  • To identify the impacts of integration and EU enlargement through which the Eastern European countries try to integrate with EU
  • To recommend some suitable suggestions so that it is possible for the Eastern European countries to be integrated successfully with the Eu without any negative consequences

Literature Review:

Under the literature review part, it is beneficial for the researcher to discuss over different theories such as integration theory, social movement and development theories through which it is possible to understand the integration strategies of the Eastern European countries to integrate with the E .


Under the section of methodology, the researcher will choose the best research methods through which it is easy to analyse the above-mentioned research topic an in this research, the researcher will choose the secondary data collection technique for analysing the topic. Through secondary data collection technique, the researcher can review the existing secondary sources such as books, literature, online journals and articles which are beneficial to gather in depth information regarding the integration and EU enlargement tactics and its impacts on the countries. Additionally, the researcher also will choose effective data analysis technique, and, in this research, the qualitative analysis will be suitable through which it is easy to analyse the collected secondary information and evaluate the above-mentioned research topic.

Anticipated analysis:

The Findings are related to the integration strategies of the Easter European countries and its impacts through which it is easy to evaluate the ways that the Eastern countries being integrated with the EU.


In conclusion, the researcher will discuss the objectives through applying the findings in the previous chapter and the researcher will conclude and evaluate the ways of integrating and EU enlargement.

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