Research project The impacts of human resource management

The impacts of human resource management in Walmart on the performance of the organisation

The research is related to human resource management and its impacts on the organisational performance. Through this study, it is possible to analyse the strategic planning of the organisation Walmart in order to manage their employees and its effects on the overall performance of the brand.


The aim of the research is to analyse the impacts of human resource management on the organisational performance mainly in Walmart. The research proposal provides a scope to acknowledge the actual tactics of Walmart in satisfying the employees and retaining them for long run so that the organisational performance can be maximised.

  • To evaluate the theories and concept of human resource management
  • To identity the impacts of human resource management on the organisational performance
  • To recommend some suitable suggestions for Walmart to improve their human resource management practice

Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

The research is related to managing human resource of the company and its impacts on the organisational performance. In the recent era of globalisation, the company Walmart as a famous retail store faces high competitive threats from its competitors and it is essential for the firm to maximise the profitability and sales volume by enhancing the performance of the company (Walmart, 2018). In this regard, employees are the key stakeholders of the company to improve performance and enhance the capability of the firm in maximising the organisational aims and objectives. Hereby, it is relevant to identify the strategic planning of the company Walmart that they implements in managing human resource of the company. Through this research, it is also possible to resolve the issue of high competitive threats where the firm can improve the organisational performance through managing their employees. In the recent years, all the competitive firms are trying to resolve the competitive threats by retaining efficient employees and they aim at satisfying the staff members for retaining them for long run. Hereby, it is relevant to conduct in depth research for acknowledging the initiatives taken by Walmart for managing their human resource and retaining them for long as well as evaluating the impacts of human resource management in Walmart on the overall performance of the company (Cascio, 2018).

Undertake a critical review of key references

Human resource management and its impacts:

Human resource management indicates the managerial tactics of an organisation through which the companies can handle the employees and retain them for long run. Through human resource management, the companies can satisfy the staff members and retain them for long run (Bratton and Gold, 2017). The main organisational gaols of maintaining quality, improving performance and enhancing productivity can be fulfilled through managing human resource of the organisations (Singh and Kassa, 2016).

As per the figure above, it is easy to demonstrate that, managing human resource is beneficial for the companies to maximise profitability and sales volume as well as improve organisational culture and enhancing operational efficiency. In this regard, the strategies of managing health and safety, staffing, providing training and development, compensations, benefits and improving relationship with the staff members are beneficial for the companies to improve human resource management (Caliskan, 2010).

RHerzberg's two factor theory:

As per theory of Herzberg's two factor theory, there are two factors such as satisfier and hygiene factors. Through employee’s achievements, providing the opportunity for personal growth, incentives, compassions and benefits as well as recognition, it is possible for the managers to motivate the employees and provide them flexibility and freedom to work.

On the other hand, the hygiene factors are working condition, maintaining policies and employment rules, managing quality, minimum wage law and improving safety of the employees through which it is possible to satisfy the employees and retain them for long run.

Maslow hierarchy of needs:

The theory of Maslow hierarchy of needs is also effective to develop the concept of human resource management. As per the theory, there are psychological needs, health and safety, love and belonging, self esteem and self actualisation needs of the employees and it is the responsibility of the managers to meet the needs and preferences of the staff members in order to retain them for long run (Byremo, 2015)

In order to fulfil psychological needs, the managers ensures that they provide proper salary to the employees so that they can fulfil their basic need such as food, food, shelter and water. Health and safety is necessary in the workplace where the employees can feel safe to work with others. The organisation needs to develop proper relationship among the employees as well as improve self esteem of the staff members through managing transparency and respecting each other. Self actualisation need is also essential where the organisation ensures morality, creativity and improving potential of the employees through cooperation and communication (Hamld et al., 2017).

Produce a research project specification

It is necessary to develop appropriate project specification planning for conducting the research successfully. In this regard, it is beneficial to collect the data both from primary and secondary sources. In this regard, the researcher will collect the secondary data through reviewing the secondary sources such as journals, books, online articles and news papers. On the other hand, the primary data are collected through arranging interview with the managers of Walmart. It is possible to arrange interview questions for collecting relevant data and information from the organisation where the researcher considers 5 managers for interview. In addition to these, the researchers develop questionnaire for the employees to collect the information from the staff members and in this regard, 20 employees are considered for collecting authentic data related to organisational strategic planning for managing human resource.

The collected data are analysed through qualitative research method where the information are evaluated on the basis of the secondary data. Apart from that, the gathered data from the employees are analysed through quantitative data analysis technique by using charts and graphs. The selected methods are beneficial to collect relevant data from the representatives of the organisation Walmart so that the research topic can be analysed critically. The researcher in this regard ensures data Protection Act and convinces the participants through honesty and integrity for collecting relevant data that will be helpful to evaluate the above mentioned research topic. The main limitation of the research is that the researcher can include more managers in this process to collect authentic data related to organisational internal environment and strategic planning.

Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

Research questions:

  • What are the effective theories and concept of human resource management?
  • What is the impact of human resource management on the organisational performance?
  • What are recommended suggestions for Walmart to improve their human resource management practice?

Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

The researcher in this research selects secondary data collection technique through which the first question of the study can be answered properly which is what the relevant theories of human resource management is. Moreover, the interview and questionnaire technique are useful to answer the second question of the research. Through collecting appropriate data from the managers and employees, it is possible to gather relevant information related to the strategic planning of Walmart and its impacts on the organisational overall performance. In addition to these, the sample size is also useful where the researcher can gather more reviews from the managers and employees to analyse the research topic properly. The interview questions additionally are effective for the researcher to evaluate the organisational environment and recommend suitable suggestions for Walmart to improve human resource management which is the third objective of the research.

Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures

In this regard, mainly two research methods are utilised, one is interview and another is questionnaire survey. For interview, the researchers considers 5 managers of Walmart and for questionnaire survey, the researcher selects 20 employees for getting relevant data. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis is useful in this study for achieving the research questions. The questionnaires are distributed online among the employees of Walmart and the researcher arrange telephonic interview with the managers for developing proper interview transcript and evaluate the data critically.

Reference List

  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. London: Palgrave.
  • Byremo, C., 2015. Human Resource Management and Organisational Performance Does HRM lead to improved organisational performance?. [online] Available at: https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/49030/Cathrine-Byremo-2015---HRM-and-Organisational-Performance--Does-HRM-lead-to-improved-organisational-performance-.pdf?sequence=1 [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  • Caliskan, E. N., 2010. The impact of strategic human resource management on organizational performance. [online] Available at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ef18/5f538ef545d30478821893672e81201ddf78.pdf [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  • Cascio, W., 2018. Managing human resources. London: McGraw-Hill Education. Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017. Human resource management in sport and recreation. London: Human Kinetics.
  • Hamld, M., Maheen, S., Cheem, A., and Yaseen, R., 2017. Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance. [online] Available at: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/impact-of-human-resource-management-on-organizational-performance-2168-9601-1000213.pdf [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  • Reiche, B.S., Stahl, G.K., Mendenhall, M.E. and Oddou, G.R., 2016. Readings and cases in international human resource management. London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Singh, N. R., and Kassa, B., 2016. The Impact of Human Resource Management Practice on Organizational Performance - A Study on Debre Brehan University. [online] Available at: http://globalbizresearch.org/files/5045_nongmaithem-robindro-singh_biniam-kassa-350930.pdf [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  • Walmart, 2018. Our business. [online] Available at: https://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/our-business [Accessed 12 May 2018].
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