Personal Development

Evaluation and reflection: Work based learning


Reflective on personal experience and understanding is beneficial for the individual to understand, describe and analyse the personal strengths and abilities which will provide a scope to the individuals to develop personal planning for professional development so that the individual can achieve success sin the professional career (Almatrooshi, Singh, and Farouk, 2016). The aim of the study is to reflect on my experience and the reflection is on work based learning through which it is easy to reflect on skill and abilities that the individual have as well as the requirements of abilities that would be effective for the person to achieve future success in the professional career. The incident of work base learning practice is significant for me as I have the opportunity to reflect on my own experience that I have gathered during the work based learning practice. In this regard, I try to use Gibb’s reflective cycle for reflecting my own experience as well as describe and analyse the experience for better understanding. the model is also effective in this context to develop proper planning for achieving my personal and professional career gaol. For example, at my PPDI class, the teacher decided to develop an effective team for successful business project outcome and this activity would be beneficial for em to work collaboratively and enhance my communication skill so that I can interct at with other team members for completing the business project.

Gibb’s Reflective model and work based learning

The Gibb’s reflective study is effective for the personal reflection through which the individual can describe his or her experience as well as express their feelings I front of others. Through this model of reflection, it is also possible for the individual to evaluate the experience that has been gathered by the individual for better analysis and understanding. Moreover, after proper analysis, the individual can conclude the activities during the work based learning as well as develop proper planning for better performnace (Potter, 2015). Hereby, the Gibb’s reflective model is beneficial for me to reflect on my own understanding and activities during the work based learning as well as express one week evets through which I can improve my skill and understanding for working better in near future and achieving success in my professional career (Refer to appendix B). Through this model, I can express my feeling about the activities in the PPDI class where the teacher is cooperative and interactive which further helps me to share my experience and improve my skill and abilities in achieving success in my profusions career. The Gibb’s reflective model will be represented further,

  • Description:

Through the work based learning practice, I mainly focus on improving creativity and innovation as well as leadership style, critical thinking practice skill and being loyalist so that I can manage other with fairness and transparency. As per the teacher’s perspective at the PPDI class, creativity is necessary in such era of globalisation where people are searching for more innovative options and in this regard, I try to utilise my knowledge and abilities to perform in a creative manner. Leadership style needs to be improved where I try to show empathy and honesty as well as treat all the people fairly for leading them towards achieving success. I try to judge the present situation and explore different solutions for my critical thinking skill where I aim at maximising suitable opportunities and thinking critically for better solutions. I always try to be loyal of making fair decision. I have experienced that managing loyalty and making decisions innovatively will be effective for me to achieve professional success where the teacher also asked me to improve my leadership skill with managing transparency and accountability for achieving success in the business projects. In addition to this, I have gathered the experience of improving analytical skill and time management skill which provides me a scope to improve my performnace in the professional field.

  • Feeling:

I try to improve my decision making skill for making proper strategic planning for the organisations after effective analysis of the present organisational situation. I feel that, self management is necessary for which I try to list down my tasks and prioritise the tasks on the basis of urgency. Monitoring my progress and identifying the mistakes through self reflection and evaluation will be effective for me to improve my understanding and knowledge where the teacher motivates me to improve my skill and abilities to perform better (Day, and Dragoni, 2015). In addition to this, motivation is necessary for achieving success and I try to be self motivated person for encouraging my learning abilities continuously for improving my performance. I focus on cooperative working practice of better achievements where I also gain knowledge through gathering experience and sharing each other’s views and understanding which is effective in the work based learning practice. From my experience, I feel that, it is important to develop cooperative work based learning for which it is necessary to build an effective team, and I try to be polite and interact with others with positive attitude for building trust and loyalty so that the members can rely on others and work as a team. at the PPDI class, the teacher also focuses on building string relationship among the team members o that proper team can be built  with cooperation and internal communication.

  • Evaluation:

Leading the people requires proper leadership and communication skill so that it is possible for guide the followers and lead them properly. proper leadership style is required for managing people in the workplace and in this context, work based learning is help0ful for me to manage people and interact with honesty and integrity. In this regard, I focus on emotional intelligence to improve cooperation and communicate with others positively so that it is possible for me to improve my experience and share views and feedback with each other. On the other hand, managing transparency and accountability by being loyal ton others is also effective for me to achieve future success and it would be beneficial to build strong relationship with other supervisors and colleagues and develop an effective team with proper collaboration and communication (Denhardt et al., 2018). For coordinating, I try to be communicative and confident in clarifying the clear goals and objectives as well as improving trust among the colleagues for working cooperatively and in this context the teacher is also cooperative and encourage me always to contribute positively in the business projects. In this context, team work is necessary in which I ty to develop proper team with proper collaboration and empowering all the team members.

  • Analysis:

Being extrovert will be helpful for me through which I try to interact with different people for gain more knowledge and understanding and sharing my experience with them. Apart from that, creative thinking is effective for making decisions logically an maintain consistency and fairness. these are effective for sharing views and analysing the experience with critical thinking skill for exploring better solution for organisational benefits. This further helps me to making effective strategic planning which is necessary for self directed learning in which I try to improve my skill and abilities to make effective decisions for the organisation which would be beneficial for my professional development. Influencing others with optimistic views is necessary where I try to motivate others with my point of views which would be effective to provide effective decisions in my professional career. As per the teacher’s suggestion during the PPDI class, I try to involve in team work with proper collaboration and communication so that I can gain more experience and improve my knowledge. emotional attachment with others and empathy will also be helpful for me to develop effective emotional intelligence.

  • Conclusion:

I have experienced that creative thinking and intuitive practice are helpful for me to judge the present situations and make several possibilities so that I can choose the right and bets solutions for the problems. Problem solving skill and creative thinking in this regard provides me a scope to judge the situations and explore more opportunities for innovation and creativity. During the PPDI class, the teacher suggested me that, analytical skill is required for self directed learning and try to improve my analytical skill through critical evaluate the subject matter and implement my problem solving skill for effective solutions. I try to gather experience through understanding the result-oriented approach and motivating others for sharing their views and experience for my personal and professional development. Analytical and critical thinking skill are important for me and for this I try to be systematic for analysing the organisational situation and provide proper analysis and critical explanation which would develop my leadership skill.

  • Action plan:

I try to improve my leadership skill so that I can manage the people in the workplace as well as guide the properly. in addition to this, I try to imporve my communicative skill and be extrovert so that I can engage with the world for interacting and gathering more knowledge and understanding and improve multitasking skill. I aim to maximise my contribution in the organisation through self directed learning so that I continuously improve my innovation and creativity for making the organisation profitable. I try to improve my emotional intelligence through understanding others which can be possible through communication and positive interaction where I try to be communitive for inspiring other and sharing important experience. Additionally, I try to imporve my skill and knowledge by conducting more research on my field to gather experience as well as learn through it so that I would able to achieve professional goal. Moreover, I focus on improving my abilities to handle the team members through harmony and cooperation. I try to develop my abilities in convincing people and managing them properly at the workplace so that the internal conflicts and diversity can be managed well and it in turn helps me to improve knowledge and understanding through cooperative work based learning and training program. I try to improve my analytical skill so that I can analyse the organisational situation and could make proper decision for the benefits of the companies.


Through this reflective model proposed by Gibbs, it is posisbel for me to describe the incidents and share my feelings for successful evaluation. Proper analysis and conclusion will be effective for me to develop further planning which will be required for improving activities and abilities in the work based learning as well as achieving professional goal where the teacher encourage me to improve my decision making and team building as well as leadership skill for achieving future success. During the work based learning and PPDI course, I try to imporve cognitive and problem solving skill as well as gain more knowledge and understanding through conducting in depth research and attending training program for personal and professional goals. I try to improve my leadership skill, emotional intelligence, communication, abilities to handle the team members, critical thinking skill for better performnace n my professional career.

Task 1B: Reflective final report (Summative assessment of 10 weeks)


Refection is one of the effective ways to assess personal abilities and skill as well as explore more opportunities for future success (Botelho et al., 2016). Through the critical reflection, it is possible to improve personal assessment which in tur helps to analyse personal strengths and abilities as well as develop effective planning for personal and professional development (Botelho et al., 2016). Through this study, it is possible for me to explore my skill and abilities as well as develop effective planning that would be effective for achieving success in near future which would be beneficial for me in aching professional and personal goal. This is effective to represent through Kolb’s reflective model through which I can express my feelings and experience step by step as well as evaluate the future planning for my personal and professional assessment. Hereby, the model is beneficial for me to develop my understanding through critical reflection on my personal strengths and weakness and it will provide me a scope to develop appropriate planning for achieving future success.

Kolb’s Reflective model and work based learning

Reflective assessment is helpful for the individual through which it is possible to develop in depth meaning of learning and development for one’s personal and professional development. Reflective learning is a process of reviewing the experience of practice in order to describe, evaluate and analyse the learning on work based practice (Sessa, and London, 2015; Botelho et al., 2016). Through this reflective study, I am also able to reflect on my working practice as well as share my experience of practice in order to analyse and evaluate the work based learning abilities and practice that I have experienced during working with others. In this regard, Kolb’s reflective model is beneficial for me to analyse and evaluate the work based learning practice which I have experienced (Botelho et al., 2016; Sessa, and London, 2015). As per the Kolb’s reflective cycle, there are four factors which are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimental through which I can share my activities and these are discussed further,


How reflective am I?




Emotional Intelligence (EQ)








Belbin Team Roles




Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)




8 Dimensions of Leadership






The achiever


Myers Briggs


The commander


Self-organised learner


Class Averages


Self-directed learner


Visual learner


  • Concrete Experience:

I this section, I would try to share my abilities and earning during the work base learning through sharing my experiences that I have gathered during the practice. Through this stage, I would able to be reflective about my experience and share the learning experiences that I have gathered. I have experienced that gathering experience is important for me for conceptualising the skill and abilities as well as I have gathered the experience that self regulation and self motivation are necessary for me to work productively and contribute positively in the workplace where in my activities I am class averages in self organised learning skill and visual learner in the activity of self directed learner. Influencing the other people by inspiring them is necessary where I try to improve my communication and collaboration for teamwork. Emotional intelligence also plays a crucial role in understanding the other supervisors in the workplace and share knowledge and skill o that I can imporve my understanding and knowledge.

In addition to these, I have experienced that, in the work based learning, it is necessary to be extrovert so that can be interactive with others and interact with all to colleagues and senior team members for better performnace where in my activities, I was the commander and the achiever through learning and development practice. Continuous communication and interaction would be effective for me to gather more knowledge and understanding which will be helpful for my personal and professional career. I have also experienced that, showing empathy and compassion as well as managing organisational awareness will be helpful for me in near future for my professional development. In this regard, I have experienced that managing the people needs proper integrity and trust where I need to improve loyalty among the other colleagues in the work based learning so that we can work as a team for achieving the shared goal. Being an Achiever on the Enneagram mean focusing on the presentation of success, to attain validation.  The Achiever pursue success and want to be admired.  frequently hard working, competitive and are highly focused in the pursuit of my goals, I’m socially competent, often extroverted, and Charismatic. I know how to present themselves, I’m self-confident, practical, and driven and courageous. I’m a good networker who know how to rise through the ranks.

  • Reflective observation:

Reviewing and reflecting the experience is necessary for me to understand my skills and abilities as well as develop proper planning for my future personal and professional achievements through identifying the aspirations and weaknesses (Frich et al., 2015; Botelho et al., 2016). In this regard, I can share my experience with proper observation through reflecting my abilities and activities during the work based learning. I try to be self regulate and side by side by self-directed learner so that I can improve my learning skill and conduct more in depth research and development for future which could be beneficial for me to active success in my personal and professional career. I try to involve in team work with proper collaboration and communication so that I can gain more experience and improve my knowledge. Emotional attachment with others and empathy will also be helpful for me to develop effective emotional intelligence where in emotional intelligence, I have scored 58. Having a 58 EQ score means I have certain emotions that I can identify easily by noting on the way my body react on physiological level, These emotions have  become familiar to me, because I have been able to make a connection between the feeling itself and my body response, however , there still some emotions , typically the more complex ones, that I struggle to identify.

Improving dominating power with proper explanation, influencing the people and steadiness are necessary for me in achieving professional career goal. Apart from that I have experienced that, it is necessary for me to maintain transparency and accountability for managing people and improving the activities in the work based learning. For building an effective team, I try to be polite and interact with others with positive attitude for building trust and loyalty so that the members can rely on others and work as a team. In my activities, as per Belbin’s team role, I was the innovator and in Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI), I was collaborating with others for building an effective team. As per the experience, I have seen that, competing is effective for improving my own performnace where I focus on achieving target through innovation and creativity. Avoiding the risky situation and handling the obstacles will be helpful for me to achieve success. these are also effective for me to achieve success sin my professional career through improving my own knowledge and abilities. 

Having a team role of Innovator means I’m creative generator and I have a strong imagination and desire to be original. Having a Collaborating on the TKI means I’m both assertive and cooperative. When collaborating, it is an individual attempt to work with the other person to find a solution that fully satisfies us both. It involves digging into an issue to identify the underlying concerns of both of us, and to find an alternative that meets both sets of concerns. Collaborating between two persons might take the form of exploring a disagreement to learn from each other’s insights, resolving some condition that would otherwise have them competing for resources, or confronting and trying to find a creative solution to an interpersonal problem.

  • Abstract conceptualisation:

Through this stage of Kolb’s reflective model, it is possible to conclude the understanding and learning from experience so that one can achieve their aspirations and professional success (Blanchard, 2018; Botelho et al., 2016). Improving innovation and creativity is necessary for me to achieve success and improve knowledge through work based learning (Raymer et al., 2018). It is necessary to arrange more work based training program of sharing each other’s knowledge and technical skill that would be helpful froe m to improve technical skill and abilities to perform innovatively by developing proper creative solutions. I try to judge the present situation and explore different solutions for my critical thinking skill where I aim at maximising suitable opportunities and thinking critically for better solutions. Creativity is necessary in such era of globalisation where people are searching for more innovative options and in this regard, I try to utilise my knowledge and abilities to perform in a creative manner. Leadership style needs to be improved where I try to show empathy and honesty as well as treat all the people fairly for leading them towards achieving success. Being a dominance on the DISC means enjoy competition and challenge, and I’m goal orientated and want to be recognised for my efforts. I aim high, I want authority and are generally resourceful and adaptable. I’m self-sufficient. I’m very direct and positive with people, I enjoy being the centre of attraction. In addition to these, having a Pragmatist in leadership style means I have high standards and I expect my employees, to meet those standards. I’m driven, competitive and I value hitting my goals above all else. I’m a bold thinker, unafraid of taking the road less travelled (even when others struggle or feel anxious). They are hard-driving and often enjoy smashing through obstacles. Being a Commander on the Myers Briggs means, I’m a Natural born leader, I like to be in charge. I see challenges and obstacles as good opportunities to push myself, I’m logical and focus, very Self confident.


  • Active experimentation:

Developing proper planning for future success as well as setting short term, medium term and long term goal can be planned through this stage, where one can develop proper prelesional planning after reviewing the experience that he or she has gathered (Harrison, Burnard, and Paul, 2018; Botelho et al., 2016).  I focus on improving my abilities to handle the team members through harmony and cooperation. I try to important my engineering skill for critical analysis and technical innovation so that I could develop creative solutions. It would be helpful for me to improve innovative solutions for the organisational success, it is my aspirations to contribute in organisational success through productive working practice where I focus on technical skill and innovation through developing creative thinking and analytical skill. It is hereby important for me to develop proper planning for improving my creative thinking and problem solving skill. through improving communication skill, it would also be possible for me to manage the people and improve my leadership skill through gathering feedback and arranging general meeting for organisational success.

The model is effective for me as it helps to identify the values in knowledge gained when applying the model for reflection where I can identify that creative thinking and problem solving skill are effective for me to achieve prelesional success by contributing positively in the organisation in their decision making practice. This knowledge would be beneficial for me to develop proper skill and abilities to perform better and improve work based learning practice through which I can improve technical skill and knowledge for improving my performnace in the professional career.


It can be concluded that, the Kolb’s reflective model is beneficial for me to reflect my own understanding and work based learning practice where during the practice, I can reflect the experience that I have gathered as well as describe, analyse and evaluate my skill and knowledge successfully in this assessment. this is effective for me to share my experience and develop effective long term planning for achieving success sin my personal and professional career. I try to improve my learnership skill, communication and critical thinking so that I can contribute positively in making effective decision for the organisations. arranging general meeting and attending proper organisational training program enhances my work based learning experience further which would be advantageous for developing proper SMART goals in achieving future career goal.

Task 2A: Career and personal development plan

Personal Analysis



  • Cognitive skill
  • Interpersonal skill
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Collaboration and team work
  • Integrity
  • Fair treatment
  • Managing people
  • Respect and empathy
  • Sharing views with others

  • Gathering more ideas and knowledge
  • Conducting in depth research
  • Developing suitable training program
  • Sharing experience
  • Contributing in organisational decision making practice
  • Exploring innovative ideas and creative decisions



  • Improving communication skill
  • Creative thinking
  • Innovation and creative ideas and decision
  • Managing problem through improving problem solving skill

  • Managing people
  • Conducting more research and development program
  • Contributing in continuous development

The major strengths are such as cognitive skill, interpersonal skill, emotional intelligence, collaboration and team work, integrity, fair treatment, managing people, respect and empathy and sharing views with others through which I would be able to achieve success. however, it is my aspiration to improve communication skill and leadership skill as well as increase innovation and creativity for contributing in organisational decision making practice and exploring innovative ideas and creative decisions.

Task 2B: Setting Goals


What do I want to learn?

What do I have to do?

What support and resources will I need?

How will I measure my success?

Target date for review of results.

Communication skill

Being extrovert and improving verbal interaction

Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Through understanding the people with whom I try to interact

May, 2019

Creative thinking

Being open minded and improving thinking process through innovation and creativity

Own knowledge and understanding and support from the senior colleagues as well as wok based training program

Though developing proper innovative ideas for the working based activities

August, 2019

Problem solving

Researching skill and team working for sharing each other’s experience

Organisational training and development program and support from the seniors as well as conducting in depth research

Through developing decision making practice for the organisations

June, 2019

Leadership skill

Improving trustworthiness and maintaining the responsibility at the workplace as well as providing feedback and managing creativity

Organisational resources and capabilities as well as positive working culture and organisational practices

Through managing the people at the workplace

September, 2019

It is important for me to set proper goal of my future success and in this regard the major goals of mine are such as improving problem solving and critical thinking skill that would be effective for me to contribute in organisational success. In addition to these, communication is one of the important activities in the work based learning (Hughes, 2018; Griffith, Baur, and Buckley, 2018). It is also important for me to improve my interactive skill so that I can positively interact with the other people in the workplace and share experience for better understanding. Hereby, communication skill is important for me and I would like to improve interactive skill through which I can gather more knowledge and understanding. In addition to these, I aims at improving my leadership skill so that I can achieve future success in my professional career by managing people at the workplace and enhance the work based learning so that I can be effective to be creative and innovative in making suitable decisions for the organisations.

Task 2C: Personal Objectives

Smart goals


What is it that you want to develop or achieve?

(e.g. skills development/ career development/ future plans)


What exactly do you need to do to achieve your goal?

(e.g. coaching / mentoring /
shadowing /reading / training /
research /conferences /supervisor support)


How will you know you have achieved your goal?

(e.g. achieved goal / speak knowledgeably about subject / mastered new technology/feel more confident/received good feedback)

Achievable & Realistic

What resources, time, opportunity and support do you need to succeed?

Goals can be challenging but must be achievable and relevant to your role

Time bound

When, or within what time period will you achieve this?

Use realistic deadlines, to allow time for progress to have been made

Short term (0-1 year)

Improving cooperation

Collaborating with honesty and integrity

Received good feedback

4 Months

Positive interaction

Arranging general meeting

Feeling more confident

6 Months

Improving communication skill

Implementing ICT and enhance internal communication

Implementing new technology

10 Months

Medium term (1-3 years)

Developing an effective team

Convincing the workforce and encouraging them with rewards as well as mentoring them

Received good feedback

1 Year

Improving researching skill

Conducting in depth research and arranging organisational training

Achieved goal

2 Years

Creative thinking skills

Gaining support from the supervisor and leaders and improving research abilities

Received good feedback

3 Years

Long-term  (3 years +)

Being a good leader

Managing the colleagues

Received good feedback

4 Years

 Leading the people with developing trust and loyalty

Convincing them and managing the organisational culture

Achieved goal

4.5 Years

Contributing in decision making practice of the workplace

Proper empowerment and gathering feedback

Achieved goal

5 Years

It is necessary to improve cooperation and enhance positive interaction as well as improve communication skill which are my short time goal, and these are effective for me to share my experience with others and gain more knowledge and understanding with proper support from my supervisor. In the medium term goal, I would prefer in developing an effective team and improving researching skill ad apart from that it would be beneficial for me to develop creative thinking skills so that I could be develop solutions innovatively. In the long term goal, my preference is to become a good leader so that I can manage people efficiently and lead them towards achieving success. Being a good leader and leading the people with developing trust and loyalty is important for me to achieve professional success. In addition to these, I would like to contribute in the decision making practice of the workplace so that I can manage my responsibility and contribute positively in achieving organisational success.

Reference List

Almatrooshi, B., Singh, S.K. and Farouk, S., 2016. Determinants of organizational performance: a proposed framework. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management65(6), pp.844-859.

Blanchard, K., 2018. Leading at a higher level: Blanchard on leadership and creating high performing organizations. FT Press.

Botelho, W.T., Marietto, M.D.G.B., Ferreira, J.C.D.M. and Pimentel, E.P., 2016. Kolb's experiential learning theory and Belhot's learning cycle guiding the use of computer simulation in engineering education: A pedagogical proposal to shift toward an experiential pedagogy. Computer Applications in Engineering Education24(1), pp.79-88.

Day, D.V. and Dragoni, L., 2015. Leadership development: An outcome-oriented review based on time and levels of analyses. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav.2(1), pp.133-156.

Denhardt, R.B., Denhardt, J.V., Aristigueta, M.P. and Rawlings, K.C., 2018. Managing human behavior in public and nonprofit organizations. CQ Press.

Frich, J.C., Brewster, A.L., Cherlin, E.J. and Bradley, E.H., 2015. Leadership development programs for physicians: a systematic review. Journal of general internal medicine30(5), pp.656-674.

Griffith, J.A., Baur, J.E. and Buckley, M.R., 2018. Creating comprehensive leadership pipelines: Applying the real options approach to organizational leadership development. Human Resource Management Review.

Harrison, C., Burnard, K. and Paul, S., 2018. Entrepreneurial leadership in a developing economy: a skill-based analysis. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development25(3), pp.521-548.

Hughes, C., 2018. The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources20(3), pp.259-262.

Potter, C., 2015. Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and Scharmer’s Theory U. Industrial and Commercial Training47(6), pp.336-342.

Raymer, S.D., Dobbs, J., Kelley, C.P. and Lindsay, D.R., 2018. Leadership Education and Development: Theory Driven Evolutions. Journal of Leadership Education17(2), pp.138-148.

Sessa, V.I. and London, M., 2015. Continuous learning in organizations: Individual, group, and organizational perspectives. Psychology Press.

Appendix A: Weekly reflective log

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template. Week 1

Learning Log 1


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Developing reflection

Reflection is based on proper knowledge and understanding where I try to share my views about my personal and professional development.

Gathering experience

Gathering experience is necessary for conceptualisation own learning and abilities.


Planning makes it simple to reflect through which I can share my experience and conceptualise the whole matter through planning.


Thinking about the learning and own abilities and expressing the concept by sharing my views with others is necessary.



It is necessary to reflect own learning and abilities through gathering experience and it would be beneficial for understand my strength and weakness and develop further planning for my personal and professional development.


Self-reflection is beneficial for me to express my thoughts and understanding where I can plan for future learning skill to ensure my professional development.


I need to change my behaviour and improve my communication skill for successful reflection so that I can interact with others an express my understanding.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 2

Learning Log 2


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Emotional intelligence

I learn to improve my emotional awareness and self-actualisation for my personal development.


Self-regulation is necessary for which I try to control my activities, be responsive and transparent during my professional field.


Influencing people through inspiring them is necessary where I try to improve my communication and collaboration for teamwork.


Showing empathy and compassion as well as managing organisational awareness will be helpful for me in near future for my professional development.



I try to involve in team work with proper collaboration and communication so that I can gain more experience and improve my knowledge. emotional attachment with others and empathy will also be helpful for me to develop effective emotional intelligence.


I try to be self-regulative for controlling my activities and being transparency so that I can build trust and loyalty among other individual.


I try to improve my emotional intelligence through understanding others which can be possible through communication and positive interaction where I try to be communitive for inspiring other and sharing important experience.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 3

Learning Log 3


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

DISC: Dominating

I focuses on dominance for direct result-oriented approach where I try to express my thoughts and understanding in front of others for making my point valid and relevant.


Influencing others with optimistic views is necessary where I try to motivate others with my point of views which would be effective to provide effective decisions in my professional career.


Analytical and critical thinking skill are important for me and for this I try to be systematic for analysing the organisational situation and provide proper analysis and critical explanation which would develop my leadership skill.


Being patient is necessary for handling the situation tactfully.



I try to gather expire through understanding the result-oriented approach and motivating others for sharing their views and experience for my personal and professional development.


Improving dominating power with proper explanation, influencing the people and steadiness are necessary for me in achieving professional career goal.



I try to improve my analytical skill so that I can analyse the organisational situation and could make proper decision for the benefits of the companies.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 4

Learning Log 4


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Belbin Team Roles: Resource investigator

I try to utilise the organisational resources for maintaining the economies of scale of the companies and explore more opportunities for improving organisational resources and capabilities.


For coordinating, I try to be communicative and confident in clarifying the clear goals and objectives as well as improving trust among the colleagues for working cooperatively.

Team workers

Team work is necessary in which I ty to develop proper team with proper collaboration and empowering all the team members.

Monitoring and evaluation

Proper monitoring the valuating the process is necessary and fir which I try to monitor the organisational task on A daily basis and evaluate the performnace of the team members.



I try to improve my leadership skill through developing proper team which can contribute in aching the organisational success.


For build an effective team, I try to be polite and interact with others with positive attitude for building trust and loyalty so that the members can rely on others and work as a team.


I try to develop my abilities in convincing people and managing them properly at the workplace so that the internal conflicts and diversity can be managed well.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 5

Learning Log 5


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI): Accommodating

For accommodating, I try to maintain harmony for better outcome and working peacefully.


I have gained experience that collaborative working practice is good for aching shared gal and sharing experience of others.


Competing is effective for improving my own performnace where I focus on achieving target through innovation and creativity.


Avoiding the risky situation and handling the obstacles will be helpful for me to achieve success.



It is important to handle accommodating, competing and collaboration in one time to develop an effective team with harmony and maintaining fairness.


I focus on cooperative working practice of better achievements where I also gain knowledge through gathering experience and sharing each other’s views and understanding.


I focus on improving my abilities to handle the team members through harmony and cooperation.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 6

Learning Log 6


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

8 Dimensions of Leadership: Engineering

For this, I try to imporve my knowledge in experimental and analytical field for achieving success innovatively.


Soft emotion, high need of achievements and moving forward would be effective f rem to lead the people in the workforce.


Reliable treatment, honesty and integrity are maintained by me for future success.


I try to desire objectivity, freedom and privacy on my activities for developing suitable working environment.



I have gathered experience in improving my leadership skill through managing the people fairly with honesty and integrity.


It is important for me to be deliberate ad commanding in order to achieve higher.


I try to important my engineering skill for critical analysis and technical innovation so that I could develop creative solutions.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 7

Learning Log 7


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Enneagram: Creative

Creativity is necessary in such era of globalisation where people are searching for more innovative options and in this regard, I try to utilise my knowledge and abilities to perform in a creative manner.


Leadership style needs to be improved where I try to show empathy and honesty as well as treat all the people fairly for leading them towards achieving success.

Critical thinker

I try to judge the present situation and explore different solutions for my critical thinking skill where I aim at maximising suitable opportunities and thinking critically for better solutions.


I always try to be loyal of making fair decision.



I have experienced that managing loyalty and making decisions innovatively will be effective for me to achieve professional success.


Leading the people requires proper leadership and communication skill so that it is possible for guide the followers and lead them properly.


I try to improve my leadership skill so that I can manage the people in the workplace as well as guide the properly.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 8

Learning Log 8


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Myers Briggs: Extrovert

Extrovert will be helpful for me through which I try to interact with different people for gain more knowledge and understanding and sharing my experience with them.

Creative thinking

Creative thinking is effective for making decisions logically an maintain consistency and fairness.


I try to be intuitive for focusing on the possibilities and improving innovation and creativity for exploring the solutions of the problems.


It helps me to organise the plans and prefer spontaneous options for making good strategic planning for the organisations.



I have experienced that creative thinking and intuitive practice are helpful for me to judge the present situations and make several possibilities so that I can choose the right and bets solutions for the problems.


Problem solving skill and creative thinking in this regard provides me a scope to judge the situations and explore more opportunities for innovation and creativity.


I try to imporve my communicative skill and be extrovert so that I can engage with the world for interacting and gathering more knowledge and understanding and improve multitasking skill.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 9

Learning Log 9


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Self-organised learner

Self organised manner will provide me a scope to learn more through gathering experience.

Time management

I try to improve my time management skill through prioritising the work as per the urgency and work productively so that I can complete the task within appropriate time.

Proper analysis

Analytical skill is required for self directed learning and try to improve my analytical skill through critical evaluate the subject matter and implement my problem solving skill for effective solutions.

Strategic planning

Making effective strategic planning is necessary for self directed learning in which I try to improve my skill and abilities to make effective decisions for the organisation which would be beneficial for my professional development.



I have gathered the experience of improving analytical skill and time management skill which provides me a scope to imporve my performnace in the professional field.


I aim to maximise my contribution in the organisation through self directed learning so that I continuously improve my innovation and creativity for making the organisation profitable.


I try to improve my decision making skill for making proper strategic planning for the organisations after effective analysis of the present organisational situation.

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 10

Learning Log 10


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Self directed learner

Self directed learner is effective through which I try to manage modifications and learn more through gathering experience.

Self management

Self management is necessary for which I try to list down my tasks and prioritise the tasks on the basis of urgency.

Self monitoring

Monitoring my progress and identifying the mistakes through self reflection and evaluation will be effective for me to improve my understanding and knowledge.

Self motivation

Motivation is necessary for achieving success and I try to be self motivated person for encouraging my learning abilities continuously for improving my performance.



I focuses on self motivation and self directed learner so that I can continuous learning process for my personal and professional development.


Self management and self modifications further help me to understand my abilities and knowledge where I try to reflect and evaluate my performnace for improving it better in near future.


In this regard, I try to imporve my skill and knowledge by conducting more research on my field to gather experience as well as learn through it.

Appendix B: Reflective log discussed in Task 1A

EVRE Weekly Reflective Journal Template Week 7

Learning Log 7


What did I learn or gain from these activities?

Relate this analysis in relation to knowledge and understanding; cognitive skills; and graduate skills.

Enneagram: Creative

Creativity is necessary in such era of globalisation where people are searching for more innovative options and in this regard, I try to utilise my knowledge and abilities to perform in a creative manner.


Leadership style needs to be improved where I try to show empathy and honesty as well as treat all the people fairly for leading them towards achieving success.

Critical thinker

I try to judge the present situation and explore different solutions for my critical thinking skill where I aim at maximising suitable opportunities and thinking critically for better solutions.


I always try to be loyal of making fair decision.



I have experienced that managing loyalty and making decisions innovatively will be effective for me to achieve professional success.


Leading the people requires proper leadership and communication skill so that it is possible for guide the followers and lead them properly.


I try to improve my leadership skill so that I can manage the people in the workplace as well as guide the properly.

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