
Marketing and Events: A case study on Red Bull


Marketing is an identification of people preferences, social needs and looking for an industry needs. It is a mutual benefit of industry and humanity (Kotler 2000). Relationship marketing is a significant way for increasing the loyalty, result has positive outcomes for customers and firms (Madhavaiah and Rao 2007). On the customer perspective, they want to see strong relationship with firms because it increases the psychological comfort and decreases the risk from product (Priluck 2003).

This paper focuses on two different local restaurants in Bournemouth with contemporary marketing issues: Social Media. Firstly, author will represent literature review of Social media than critically evaluate the implications of the marketing issues to two different restaurants. Finally, author makes recommendations on how these two firms can increase their marketing strategy.

Social Media:

The use of different marketing and communication channels are increasing and it further changes the industry value in different time schedule. In the 21st century social media is an effective channel for marketing (Saravanakumar and SuganthaLakshmi 2012). Any kind of brand is using social media as a marketing strategy to gain a consumer. According to Glen Dury (2007), social media is an online platform where people can share content such as video, photos also feedbacks. The platforms are blogs, vlogs, and social media channels. Some of popular social media channel are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

In the traditional media such as newspaper, TV, firms try to deliver message through it. On the other hand, firms are using social media to build a relationship with their consumers (Drury 2007). Secondly, another benefit of the social media is consumer side, consumer can use it for communicating with each other or giving feedback about product & services, and it is a fastest and effective way (Mangold and Faulds 2009), kind of word of mouth. Studies show that, 72% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations (Mangold and Faulds 2009).

Increase awareness and gaining customer

First of all, social media gives a chance to increase brand popularity. According to Newberry (2016), in a day 500 million users sent tweets, 95 million post uploaded on Instagram and around 4,5 billion post liked in Facebook. Withal, hashtags are helps to increase brand knowledge on consumer eyes (Newberry 2016).

Customer experience

Customers pay attention to a company that has a social media account or how fast they reply their consumer on social media. This is directly affecting the brand sales.

Good Customer Services

Customers want responding comments on social media, whether it is negative or positive. It is useful to build a good value in customer mind. People who follow a brand in social media, it has been seen that, they are loyal to brand.

Analysing Market

Brands can analysing and see the competitor moves with social media and it gives them to improve their businesses.

E-Word of Mouth:

According to Richmans & Root-Shaffer (1988), word of mouth is a key factor for consumer buying behaviour. After the increase of the internet usage, consumer has a big opportunity to get objectives feedback of product or services with EWOM.

Westbrook (1987) defined E-WOM is an informal communicative way to directly with consumer or consumer to consumer. E-WOM correspondence enunciated on Web-based shopper feeling stages can be relied upon to apply a more grounded effect on customers than E-WOM distributed through different means in light of the fact that dissimilar to news gatherings, such Web based buyer conclusion stages are moderately simple to work and require less Internet related learning with respect to the purchaser to acquire data.

Pause Pet Cafe:

It is a charity café for cats located in Bournemouth, where, people spent their time with cats and enjoy their drinks while playing with cats. Entrance is a five pound for an hour. All the funds are spent for cats’ care and community projects. It is a unique concept and offer people to have a relaxing time, with who loves cat and who can`t have their own cat. Pause pet café supported by local business such as, Mercedes-Benz Poole, Bournemouth University, Goldie.

Analyse of Pause Pet Café:

For the author analyses of the Pause Pet Café social media channels, Café using popular social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. In twitter they more likely to use photos with tweets. On the Instagram, Café prefer just cats’ photos. On the Facebook page, café share everything about café and people can ask any question on Facebook. The analysis shows that café share post everyday on Twitter and Facebook but on the Instagram café share just one or two post in a month.

Pause cat café has 60.545 followers and 6451 people liked their Facebook page. According to social media expert, some charities Facebook pages in loose their followers and like because the posts are not catchy for attracting follower’s attention anymore (Smith 2018). Café has a survey on Facebook to measure customer knowledge about cats. Online reviews, feedbacks and rating are showing lots of different factors, online and offline like: how customer glad from restaurant service?, service of restaurant, restaurant value and purchase intension (Sirinivasan 2014). Cafes positive feedback rate is 4.7 from 5; also people can see the TripAdvisorcomments on cafes Facebook page. Most likely, they share cats photos, some post are about other new local restaurant. People can ask any further question anytime on Facebook messenger; café will reply them as soon as possible. People can see reach the locations of the cafes, rush hours on their Facebook page.

Every single day 100 million people use Twitter. 82% of B2B marketers said, they are using Twitter for gaining consumer, Pause Cat Café create their twitter page on 2016. They have 463 tweets so far, they are following 596 users on twitter and 673 people follow them. Generally, posts are averagely gets five likes or one comment and two or three retweets. According to stats (2017), 33% of active twitter users share their opinion about product or services. Another stat shows that 32% of users make recommendations about services and products (Visually 2018).


Facebook Page : Creating cover video

At the point when consumers visit your page, your Facebook cover photograph is one of the main things they'll take note (Gotter 2018). For new guests, your cover photograph can help to speak about your image and to depict your story in only a couple of moments. It just bodes well that a short video can achieve this superior to a still photograph (Gotter 2018).

Video promptly catches the crowd's eye. Much the same as in the news nourish, a cover video will auto play (without sound), attracting clients' eyes ideal to it. This may help in keeping the guests on your page and at the same time driving greater commitment (Gotter 2018).


First of all, Café has only cat photos and people probably do not understand they are café and offer food; they need to add more post about their dishes, drinks, and inside of the café. Another recommendation is customer photos with cats; customer will be more loyal when they see their post on Instagram page with Pause Cat Café hashtag. Finally, café will share post on every day because according to Buffer social statistics (2017) shows that which account posting more than seven times per week get more likes and grow their following faster than accounts that post less than seven posts per week (Lua 2017).

Hungry Oven:

Established in Bournemouth by two Italian entrepreneurs, their aim are make Hungry Oven a chain. According to Matteo, they offer a different Italian restaurant concept. The atmosphere of the restaurant more hovel and has a different interior design. Restaurant special and unique meals are giant deep pan pizza. Basically, they want to chance classical Italian restaurant concept on customer mind, also they have offer more local Italian dishes for their customer.

Analyse of Hungry Oven Social Media:

First of all, Hungry Oven generally using Facebook page and Instagram on social media where especially, they are more likely to use their Facebook page. According to Qwaya (2017) Facebook has an over one billion user much more than any other platform, so it is give direct communication chances for firms and free increasing their awareness. Hungry Oven Facebook page was created in 30 April 2017. Existing of the social media sites create a new platform for brand communication (Ahn 2010). Many restaurants use this platform for creating customer engagement with customer feedbacks (Lee et al. 2012). People can find information on restaurant “about” page such as: location, working hours of restaurant. Secondly, when someone open restaurant Facebook page, automatically message box is opening and people can do their reservation or ask any question in there, restaurant probably reply in next 4-5 hour. Restaurant cover video is gives lots of information about restaurant design and services. Their most watched videos are which has posted in top of their homepage, around 3k watched. Video about Hungry Oven app, which can people order their meal in their mobile phone. People can see other customer feedbacks and comments which have company got five stars (maximum rate number in Facebook). Finally, people can see the upcoming events in restaurant Facebook page. According to Lee (2012) Companies has also create an event pages to increase of event awareness. The point of it is reach to the potential consumer and builds a relationship with consumer.

Hungry Oven, shared their first Instagram post on March 2017 and launched them self. Until 2017 they shared 111 posts so far on Instagram. They have 777 followers and they follow 1.616 user. Instagram has 700 million monthly active users and everyday more than 95 million photos or videos are posted on Instagram (Collins 2018). Mostly restaurant shared photos of their meals, some photos are about their customer some of them about their special offers. The analyses showed that restaurant share new post once a week on Instagram. 18 people can tagged them on Hungry Oven. According to Hall (2016), Waitrose`s patterns bowl sells increase %12 because people find these bowls more suitable for their Instagram posts. People can see information on Hungry Oven Instagram page like: where is the restaurant, websites and telephone number of restaurant. According to Zizzi research, age demographic of the 18-30 spent five whole days in a year browsing food images on Instagram. According to same research, 30 percentages of the consumers are not going to the restaurant, if the restaurant Instagram page looks weak.

Creating Twitter page

Hungry Oven has not a twitter page and for author, it is a big loss for restaurant. The increasing number of the internet use of social media channel by consumer, pizza restaurants is promoting their meals with social media (He et al. 2013). According to theory of use and gratification, consumers are more likely to check restaurant offer or information on social media (He et al. 2013). According to PMQ (2010) survey shows that, Facebook and Twitter getting more important place in market.

Creating Hashtag

Restaurant will create and use one hashtag for all posts in social media. Hashtag gives unique looks for restaurant and consumers feels more privilege. People share their photos will that hashtag, also it is easy way to build relationship with consumer because restaurant will be easily find post about their services or meals. According to Buddy Media research, good hashtag can fully increase brand customer engagement. The point here is a brand can create simple, short and effective hash tag (Bullas 2017). Secondly, restaurant will be test and see the effectiveness of hash tag (Bullas 2017). For example: White house media team were test 26 different hash tags before the election.

Using Instagram More Effectively

Instagram has a super power of restaurant industry. 40 million posts uploaded in a day and 55% of the people whose age demography 18-29 is creating Instagram account (Janzer 2017). The point is, one photo will be changed the whole restaurant view in customer mind. Another recommendation for Hungry Oven Instagram Page is Preparation of the meal process will be shared on Instagram, because its make consumer feel hungry. People can decide with the photos to where they are eating their meal (Janzer 2017). According to pizza franchise report (2010), statistics shows that nowadays 85% of pizza chain sales are there because of social media promotions and discounts (He et al. 2013).


For author, Hungry Oven Facebook page look so good and updated, especially their cover video looks so nice, only recommendation for their Facebook page will be creating survey about restaurant meals, over 200 cocktails , it is a good way to introduce their product on the other hand with that way restaurant putt bit more fun on their Facebook page.


Social media channels, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and various others have started to alter the condition of marketing, publicizing, and advancements. These online networking have changed the Internet from a stage for data, to a stage for impact. On account of the emotional and worldwide development of web-based social networking, for example, Facebook (550 million clients) and Twitter (100+ million clients), organizations of all sizes from various enterprises currently see web-based social networking promoting as a compulsory component of their advertising procedure (Hanna et al. 2011). Be that as it may, it is not any sufficiently more too just join online networking as independent components of a showcasing plan. Organizations need to consider both social and customary media as a major aspect of a biological system whereby all components cooperate toward a typical target: regardless of whether to dispatch and advance another item or administration; to impart another organization activity; or to just further connect with clients in a rich, important, and intuitive discourse (Hanna et al. 2011).


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