
Evaluate the role of HRM


Efficient management in an organisation provides an opportunity to develop effective planning, organise the plan, conduct proper staffing, lead the team members and control the planning process so that it is possible for the managers to achieve the organisational goals and objectives strategically (Delaney et al., 2017; Murphy, 2016). The report aims at identifying the learning and development needs as well as developing an effective planning through which the line manager of the restaurant can develop his or her skills and understanding in managing the organisational responsibilities successfully.

Management learning

According to Söderhjelm et al., (2018), the organisational success is not only based on the strategic planning, nut also it is dependent on the manager’s role where the line managers play a crucial role in achieving success through proper planning and managing all the organisational responsibilities successfully. The managers also play critical roles in delivering performance and in this regard the management learning and development is necessary for the restaurant to achieve success. The organisation in this regard focuses on the learning and development of the managers so that their technical skill and understanding can be maximised. The line managers need proper learning and development to improve business performance as well as productivity and efficiency so that the pre-specified goals and objectives of the restaurant are achieved in long run. Improving skill and understanding about the job responsibilities is another benefit of learning and development through which the line managers can identify the needs of the organisation and work efficiently to improve own knowledge (Horne, Van Der Berg, and Newman, 2015). In addition to these, management learning and development is required for all the line mangers to foster proper organisational culture and increase capability of performing efficiently.

The line manager of the restaurant also needs learning and development program so that he or she can communicate with all the employees and enhance the overall performance of the organisation. In this regard, proper learning and development process provide clear understanding to the line managers to identify the actual needs and preferences of the employees and lead them towards achieving success by fulfilling their needs and preferences. As stated by Radzuan and Ahmad (2016), it is also the role of the line manager in the restaurant to develop positive working environment where all the organisational staff members can work cooperatively. In this regard, the learning and development is appropriate for the line manager to develop the skills and knowledge of the line managers to perform better and maximise the goals of the restaurant. Developing effective planning after critical analysis is also the responsibility of the line manager of the organisation which further increases the importance of learning and development so that the line manager can do their responsibilities efficiently (Bratton and Gold, 2017).

Developing learning and development of line managers depends on outlining the goals and identifying the roles of line managers in the restaurant (Thomas, 2015). In addition to these, the line manager also needs to attend leadership course as well as improve own managerial skill to conduct the job role of the line managers. Being transparent and accountable as well as improving communication are also the ways through which the line managers can improve learning and development so that they become efficient in meeting their job responsibilities in the restaurant (Hill, Jones, and Schilling, 2014).


Methods of identifying the needs of managers

It is necessary for the organisational head to analyse the needs of the line manager so that it is possible to develop effective development planning so that they can improve own ability to perform better (Shin et al., 2017). Through the methods discussed below, the head of the restaurant can assess the performance of the line manager as well as identify the actual requirements of learning and development of the line manager which must be fulfilled for improving efficiency of the manger.

Reviewing the job done by the line manager is one of the crucial methods for identifying the needs of the line manager (Pástor, Stambaugh and Taylor, 2015). Apart from that, interview with the line manager as well as the arranging meeting with the line manager is important tactics for assessing their performance and identifying their actual need of learning and development (Al Ariss, Cascio and Paauwe, 2014). The role of line manager in the restaurant is crucial in achieving the pre-specified organisational goal and in this regard it is the responsibility of the head of the organisation to identify the need of learning and development of the line manager so that it is possible to develop effective planning.

Performance review and work place assessment are also other strategies for acknowledging the needs of the line manager in developing effective knowledge and skills which is important for maximising the organisational goal successfully. Through the methods, it is possible to identify the performance of the line manager as well as identify the weakness of the line manager (Amanchukwu, Stanley and Ololube, 2015). This further helps to acknowledge the actual needs of learning and development through which the learning and development gap of the line manager can be fulfilled though proper training and development. In this report, it is effective to arrange interview with the line manager to identify the strengths and weakness as well as acknowledge the learning and development need so that the manager can meet the organisational objectives strategically in long run.

Identifying the learning and development needs

The interview questions to the line managers for assessing the earning and development gap can be discussed below,

A. Are you efficient in communicating with other team members?

Communication is important in the restaurant for interacting with others and share information and knowledge with each other so that it is possible to improve own skill. As a line manager of the restaurant, it is my responsibility to communicate with others so that it is possible ton improves cooperation and efficiency to work in the workplace. In this regard, I try to communicate with other team members in order to manage them and conduct my job responsibility. However, it is difficult for me to engage with the audience and express own thoughts and understanding in front of others. I can manage the non-verbal communication through sending e-mail. However, I am, not efficient in building face to face conversation which further raises problems in managing the team members. Without communicating with others, I cannot build proper work culture which is necessary for achieving the organisational goal in long run. Hereby, I need to improve verbal communication so that I can manage my own task in the organisation successfully.

Do you manage and lead the organisational staff members as a manager?

It is my responsibility as a line manager of the restaurant to manage all the staff members and I am quiet efficient in managing the staff members. I try to manage the employees and meet their requirements in the workplace in order to motivate them and lead them towards achieving success. I also try to support them and cooperate with all the team members so that it is possible to develop an effective team where the members can share values and meet the organisational objectives sustainably. In addition to these, in order to manage the team members, I try to motivate them and empower them in the decision making behaviour which further encourages their creativity to work innovatively. Through training and development program as well as proper planning to work and group discussion help me to manage the workers in the organisation. Though I am trying to manage the team members, I need to improve my leadership skill so that I can manage the work culture and lead the team member towards achieving success. Without proper leadership and management skills, I cannot perform efficiently which may adversely affect my performance.

Are you proficient in managing time so that the task will be completed within time?

Time management is crucial for all the line managers in any organisations and as a line manager in this restaurant; I need to manage time so that the organisational job can be completed within effective time line. Lack of time management further raises the issue of delay which provide bad organisational image to their clients. Hereby, it is necessary for me to manage the time so that I can manage the people to complete the task within the given period of time. However, I am not efficient to manage time due to lack of cooperation and systematic way.

Are you efficient in solving organisational problems?

The organisational problems need to be resolved strategically and it is the role of line manager to mitigate the issues in the workplace so that it is possible to meet the organisational goals and objectives ion long run. In I try to gather information to identify the actual issues in the organisation and break the problems for evaluating the causes which further raise the issues in the restaurant. After proper evaluation, I try to identify the loopholes which are the main reason of the organisational issues. After identifying the reasons of the problem, I try to select the solutions for resolving the existing issue. Through these strategies, I aim to mitigate the organisational issues.

Do you develop organisational planning effectively which will necessary to maximise the organisational values?

Developing effective decision for the organisation is another responsibility of the line manager and in the company and in this regard, it is difficult for me to make effective decision for the organisation after analysing the existing problems and current situation of the company. I can analyse the existing problems in the workplace, but it is hard for me to make effective planning through which I can meet the organisational goal. In this regard, it is necessary for me to develop decision making skills so that I would be able to make effective decision through which the other team members can achieve the organisational objectives successfully.

Learning and development gap

From the interview, it is possible to understand that the main learning and development gap is lack of managerial skill which may adversely affect the restaurant in achieving its objective. As a line manager of the organisation, it is the responsibility of the manager to manage the team members and lead towards achieving success through developing effective strategic planning. Without managerial skills, the line manager fails to maintain time, develop effective decision as well as improve cooperation and communication for conducting the operational activities of the restaurant. In this regard, learning and development is the best way to identify and mitigate the gap where the managers can improve his or her efficiency to do the job responsibilities successfully. Through proper learning and development, the manager can resolve the gap band improve efficiency of managing people in the organisation as well as develop effective decision to meet the organisational objectives. The learning and development process to the line manager is also beneficial as it helps to manage the people, improve innovation, develop effective decision and lead the people towards achieving success (Ahmad and Rahman, 2017).

Learning and development intervention

The workplace of the restaurant needs proper management where it is the responsibility of the line manager to control the organisational task and manage people for improving performance and lead them towards success so that it is possible to provide quality hospitality service to the customers. In this regard, the main gap of the line manager is lack of managerial skill for which is difficult for him or her to communicate with others, manages time, develop appropriate decision and manage the people strategically. In order to improve managerial skills, it is necessary to improve communication skill and increase engagement with the employees by developing strong relationship. Through improving verbal and non-verbal communication, it is possible for the line manager to interact with each other and share information and knowledge which is required for managing the team. Moreover, it is necessary to share values and empower the members in the decision making process of the restaurant through which the line manager can improve engagement with the people in the workplace (Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes, 2015). In order to maintain the members in the restaurant, it is also necessary to manage time as well as improve decision making skill of the line manager so that he or she can develop effective solutions for conducting the organisation job strategically and fulfilling the pre-specified goals and objectives.

The development planning is therefore effective to target effective pathway through which the line manager can resolve the gap of lack of managing the people in the organisation. As a line manager, it is his or her responsibility to manage people through cooperation, communication, developing effective decision and improving efficiency in the restaurant. In this regard, providing proper training, arranging general meeting as well as improving cooperation in the workplace are also effective tactics for improving the managerial skills of the line manager.

Evaluating the intervention planning

The intervention planning is necessary for mitigating the gap of lack of managerial skill of the line manager. In this regard, the development planning and the activities to improve managerial skill through learning and development is effective where the line manager must manage time, improve communication and enhance cooperation as well as utilise problem solving skill to develop effective decision for conducting the job responsibilities successfully. The line manager needs to set proper goals and objectives and prioritise the work as per the urgency basis and this is an effective way of managing time. Moreover, improving cooperation and interaction with the all the members are beneficial for the line manager to manage the team members and conduct the operational activities in the restaurant to deliver quality services to the customers (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014). It has been seen that, as per the development planning, the line manager can improve managerial skill within 30 months where he or she can enhance organisational performance and manage the workforce through more communication, positive organisational culture as well as more cooperation. Emotional intelligence is also necessary for the line manager where he or she can understand the emotion of the employees and acknowledge their actual needs so that the line manager can meet their requirements which are necessary to satisfy the staff members in long run.

Arranging training and development and motivate the employees to attend the training program can also be possible for the line manager where he or she aims at maximising organisational performance so that the gaols can be achieved soon (Dalkir, 2017). Moreover, through learning and development plan, it is also possible for the line manager to manage organisational culture with positive attitude, sharing ideas, cooperative work culture, maintaining transparency and managing accountability in the restaurant. It is also the responsibility of the line manager to develop appropriate decision to manage the team members and in this regard the line manager needs to attend the learning and development program for improving creativity and innovation. Through improving verbal communication, the line manager also needs to acknowledge the requirements and preferences of the employees so that it is possible to manage internal conflicts which are also a critical task of the line manager. As per the intervention planning, managing organisational culture as well as encouraging the employee’s creativity and motivating them through providing effective incentives are also necessary to manage the staff members. Critical thinking skill as well as problem solving in this regard are efficient to develop proper strategies where the line manager tries control the planning and manage the team members for achieving the objectives of the restaurant. Hereby, the development planning is beneficial where the gap of lack of managerial skills of the line manager can be fulfilled within appropriate timeframe so that the line manager can meet the objective of the restaurant successfully.


It is the responsibility of the line manager to manage the team members in the restaurant so that it is possible for the manager to lead the team members efficiently to achieve success in near future through providing quality service to the customers. Through proper interview questions, it is possible to identify that the line manager lacks to manage the people in the organisation where managing the internal workforce is necessary for enhancing organisational performance and achieving success. In this regard, the development planning is helpful where the line manager can improve his or her skill through learning and development. In this regard, the line manager needs to improve communication as well as cooperate with the employees so that it is easy to share ideas and creative thoughts, this further help to empower the employees in the decision making process as well as improves creativity and innovation in making the best decision which will be advantageous for the line manager to achieve success.

Reference List

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