
Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management (HRM) executes the practice of hiring, deploying, recruiting and managing employees within an organisation to bring potential workforce for them to ensure their upgraded performance in the market. The effective working of HRM is required to ensure improved work culture within the organisation so that proper workforce which executes tasks to raise productivity of the organisation is retained. In this aspect, the report informs the importance of HRM in business of Syngenta and the way their management activities have been influenced by effective HRM practices. Moreover, the organisational structure and culture existing in Syngenta and the way it has influenced certain HRM practices like employee motivation and staff recruitment are also explained.

Organisational structure of Syngenta

The Syngenta is likely to use Line-Functional organisational structure for effectively executing their business. As mentioned by Ashkenas et al. (2015), in Line-Functional organisational structure proper hierarchies are maintained, where each of the supervisors as well as managers of different departments are defined about the functions they need to perform. This is going to assist Syngenta in managing the organisation in a synchronised way as each of the departmental staffs have knowledge about the roles they require to execute for successful performance of the organisation. As per Katzenbach and Smith (2015), Line-Functional organisational structure enhances staff motivation because each of the employees, working under this form of structure, is allowed to report their problem, without any form of discrimination, directly to the supervisor. This helps the employees at Syngenta to feel empowered as their individual issues, faced at workplace, are monitored and proper solutions are farmed so that each of the employees is benefited. Thus, no discrimination in employee management is helpful in making the employees feel positive morale to work due to equal treatment at Syngenta. According to Birkinshaw (2016), in Line-Functional organisational structure, the motivations of the employees are done according to the departmental goals. Thus, using this structure is going to help Syngenta in framing motivational activities for the staffs according to diverse departmental needs for accomplishing positive performance by the organisation.

Corporate culture of Syngenta

According to the Charles Handy model, there are four different cultures which are power, role, task and person culture (Glisson, 2015). The corporate culture at Syngenta is based on the Role and Task culture. According to Serrat (2017), the role culture at the organisation refers that power is allocated to the employees to execute their duties based on their position (role) in the structure of the organisation. In Syngenta, the power among the supervisors and managers of various departments are based on their status and position in the organisation, thus this implies that Syngenta generally follows role culture. As per Moslehpour et al. (2016), task culture refers that teams within the organisations are formed for addressing specific problem and progress of the project. In Syngenta, different teams such as HR are formed to address the internal issues through training and development of employees whereas project management team is formed for ensuring effective execution of the projects undertaken. Thus, it is ascertained they also use task culture in managing their organisation. This culture at Syngenta is going to initially influence recruitment of the staffs according to the qualification required in the team they are going to work. Later, the recruitment of the staffs is to be done based on the duties they are to perform according to the position (role) given to them in the organisation.

The management style of Syngenta

Syngenta is likely to use Democratic Management style for managing their organisation. As mentioned by Mwangi et al. (2015), Democratic Management style refers that responsibility is to be distributed among employees and they are to be empowered for executing collaborative decision-making. In the given scenario, it is seen that supervisor at Syngenta involves collaborative decision-making in resolving issues or problems faced in business operation thus ensuring that they are using democratic management style. The use of this style has also influenced management activities at Syngenta to frame delegation of responsibility. This means that, the leaders within Syngenta had delegated their responsibility among the employees for facilitating their participation in making effective decision. As mentioned by Bamiatzi et al. (2015), effective use of democratic management style influences the management of an organisation to empower its employees. This is appropriately understood by Syngenta due to which they have properly equipped their employees in accomplishing their tasks without hindrance as they are empowered to execute proper solutions for their problems. The use of democratic management in Syngenta is seen to influence their management activities to make the leaders act as mediator as well as facilitator in collaborative decision-making.


HRM functions at Syngenta

Reward Management is involved with the formulation as well as implementation of policies and strategies which aim at rewarding people equitably, fairly and consistently in relation to their value in the company (Bustamam et al. 2014). As per Brown (2014), proper rewards help to boost employee morale and work productivity as they feel valued by the organisation. Syngenta has already understood the importance of rewards and offers annual awards to the employees that are publicised in the intranet and corporate magazine of the company. However, for effective reward management, Syngenta need to provide rewards to the employees in a fair manner by assessing the efficiency and effort shown by them at work without any form of discrimination related to status, gender or others.

Training and Development refers to the key part of the human resource that functions with concern related to organisational activity that is aimed at improving the performance of the employees at the job (Clarke and Higgs, 2016). Syngenta already offers CIM Diploma in marketing as career development opportunity for its employees. The implementation of further training and development program by Syngenta is to be made by identifying the key needs of the employees. This is to be done by interviewing and monitoring them so that their exact needs of development and training are identified to ensure improved work productivity within the organisation.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The above discussion shows that Syngenta is likely to have Line-Functional organisational structure that enhances staff motivation through empowerment and positive morale. Moreover, they are using both the role and task culture within their organisation and are using democratic management style. However, for effective reward management, Syngenta is recommended for identifying the type and nature of rewards wished by the employees as all of them does not feel valued through monetary rewards. Moreover, Syngenta is suggested to include experienced professionals in executing training of the employees so that they work efficiency increased and innovativeness is brought to services and products provided by the company.

Reference List

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  • Serrat, O., 2017. A primer on organizational culture. Knowledge Solutions, pp. 355-358.
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