Human Resource


Human resources are the intrusive factor for an organisation, which helps the company to achieve organisational goals and objectives. The human resources are the key factor that is influencing the top management of an organisation by gardening their business ideas into actual form. In this detailed study, the learner will identify the need and importance of human resources in several types of organisation. Along with this, the learner will evaluate the importance of recruitment and selection in the organisation or selecting right candidates for the right job. The learner will also focus on the legal structure and regulations that have been framed in favour of the workforce or human resources in an organisation.

Explain the purpose of workforce planning and the role of the HR manager with regards workforce planning and resourcing for Woodhill College

In an organisation, the role of the HR manager is to look out for desired candidates in the workplace and also the organisation is looking forward to train them well after recruiting them. It is being assumed that, while enrolling the representatives in the association, the administration needs to centre on different inward angles that would help them to choose applicable workers. Goldsteinand Passmore (2017) added in the discussion that in the association, the representative connection matter since it is the main factor that would help the best administration to take healing choice. The announcement has propounded that, the association like Woodhill College needs to maintain centre around the working relations that would further help them to build up a good workplace. The announcement has additionally derived that the association Woodhill College needs to maintain centre around the necessities and anticipation of the representatives of the working environment to develop proper relationship with the representatives. Subsequently, it has been encircled that as Woodhill College will extend it's campus, it requires appropriate organised group. Shackleton (2015) specified that during the time spent enlistment and determination the inside condition of the association mirroring this factor at some degree. The announcement has seen that the representative connection is the inside factor that is impacting the enlistment and determination method of the association as though the relationship of the organisation is sure with its workers than it would get great references. On the opposite side, if the connections of the representatives are bad or negative with the association, then it would hard for the association to get sensible references.

The business sanctioning has been portrayed as the best way to deal with surrounding outside the state of the affiliation. While enrolling the specialists in the affiliation, the organisation needs to focus on variations in external edges that would help them to pick noteworthy delegates. Taylor (2014) added to the discussion that, in the affiliation the employee’s authorisation matters, since it is the primary factor that would help the best organisation to take atherapeutic decision. The declaration has propounded that, the affiliation like Woodhill College needs to keep the focus on the delegate authorisations that would further help them to develop an extraordinary work environment and keep up a vital separation from the impedance from the governing body. The declaration has similarly discovered that, the affiliation Woodhill needs to keep the focus on the prerequisites and any expectation of the organisation and the trade associations at the workplace to get a sensible relationship from the agent additionally incredible relationship with government.

Hereafter, it has been encompassed that as Woodhill College will develop its business in the market, it requires suitable and especially composed gathering. Board (2017) communicated that, amid the time spent enrolment and assurance the external state of the affiliation reflecting this factor at some degree. The declaration has seen that, the employee establishment is the outside factor that is influencing the enrolment and assurance system of the relationship just as the relationship of the association is certain with its delegates and trade associations that it would get positive references. On the contrary, side, if the associations of the specialists and furthermore trade associations are terrible or negative with the affiliation, then it would hard for the affiliation get sensible references.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection

The human asset administration group, keeping in mind the end goal to enlist and prepare representatives to perform well in Woodhill association, does the procedure of enrolment and choice. The organisation is enlisting instructors who ought to be qualified and should comprise of adaptability to get higher national recognition capability (Sarma, 2017). The educators can be either from inside the foundation or from outside, yet they ought to have the quality to convey more than their subject.

The enrolment and determination technique now and then gives less extension to applicants who are bit matured as the choice methodology for the most part contracts representatives who are youthful with the goal that their vitality towards the work remains cantered (Hunter et al. 2017).

Identify suitable platforms to place the advertisement

For advertising, the organisation or the association of the college might go on various platforms for displaying their advertisement. For an organisation, the most important work is to select proper platform or media channel for advertising. The Woodhill College has the best option of theinternet to displaytheir advertisement in the market. As per the recent trend of advertisement, for advertisement, most of the organisations are using theinternet to get fast approaches in the market. The Woodhill College should also have needed to promote their advertisement on the internet by using different options such as SEO and Social media. It will further help the College to get fair responses from the candidates. Apart from this, the Woodhill College might go for HR consultancies or intermediates for hiring right person at the right job or place.

Prepare job description and person specification for the role

A well-educated candidate is required for the vacant post in Woodhill College. The candidate should have the quality of understanding the critical situation and also know how to deal with students. The candidate must take lectures as per the syllabus and have to provide them as much knowledge beyond of their subjects and syllabus.

Key Role and Responsibilities

  • Be punctual with his job timings or lecture timings
  • Be responsive to the queries of students
  • Must take thesummative assessment and formative assessment of the students
  • Be prepare practical assignments for the students and send them for practical research studies
  • Be in touch with students to guide them for completing their studies and assignments

Explain the difference between training and development.

Training and development is the concentric concept used by an organisation for enhancing the knowledge of candidates in the organisation. An organisation utilises training and development for developing the subject knowledge of the employees at the workplace so that the employees can perform well and achieve their personal goals. Training is a practice that is being provided by the team HR to their employees for teaching them their job role. On the other hand, development is the assessment of the training that is being calculated by the team HR after providing them desirable training sessions (LLP, 2018). It has been articulated that both training and development are crucial factors in an organisation.

Describe how training needs are identified and the methods of training used by Tesco

The chosen organisation Tesco is one of the top-rated retail stores in the UK that is serving variant categories of necessities and lifestyles products in the market, the organisation has more than 500 stores in the UK, and hence it has large numbers of theteam in the organisation. Due to changes taking place in the market and the changing behaviour of the end users influencing the internal environment of Tesco, the need for training and development is increasing in the organisation. The management of Tesco has found that, the sales team are not handling their customers dynamically and hence they need proper training to enhance their skill of customer handling process (LLP, 2018).

Explain the benefits for Tesco and the employees in having a systematic approach to training and development

It has been assumed that if any of organisations like Tesco implement the training and development session at the workplace in a positive manner, the organisation will get benefits. The benefits that might be enjoyed by the organisation motivate employees, reduce employee turnover and give better result in the market. LLP (2018) stated that, for an organisation the most crucial factor is to make their employees comfortable at the workplace. The statement has deduced that, with the help of training and development session, the organisation might go for a positive outcome in the future. Thus, it has been suggested that, an organisation should approach the training and development session periodically in the working environment so that they can be able to control the employee turnover in the organisation.

Evaluate the effectiveness of Tesco’s training and development practice regarding delivering a return on investment (considering productivity and profit)

Under the concept of training and development session, there are two diverse types of techniques which are on the job training and off the job training. Under the concept of on the job training, an organisation or the management is providing training to their employees while performing their jobs. On the other hand, under of the job training, the team HR provides extra training to the individuals in the organisation after their working hours (LLP, 2018). Both types of training sessions have a speciality as per the motive of the organisation. In the on the job training, the organisation or the management gives them role-playing activities that help the employees to understand their job role and responsibility. The organisation Tesco might also go with this technique to train their employees well in the organisation. Once, the employees understand their job role or job profile it would be quite easy for them to perform their part of the role in the workplace. It will further help the organisation as well to improve their overall productivity in the targeted market.

On the other hand, as per the off the job training, the employees are needed extra knowledge apart from their ordinary job profile so that they can be able to develop their personality. As per this concept, the HR Team of Tesco might go with personality development classes by the help of which they can develop the personal skills of their employees at the workplace. In the retail sector, it is just for the sales person that he or she should talk to their customers in a well-behaved manner so that the customers could be influence by them and are ready to purchase an item from the stores. LLP (2018) stated that, it is human nature that, if a human being gets a friendly environment in any shop or retail stores then that customer would love to purchase goods from that stores. The statement has deduced that for an organisation the most important task is to teach their employees how to behave with the customers in the stores.

Provide analysis of the importance for ITV to maintain good employee relations and how it influences their HR decision making as a result

Employee Relation: Every association keeps up a specific association with the kindred representatives. As per the theory, individuals cannot fill in as a machine; they must share their plans to enhance their works with the general population. As per theory, the great relationship of the representative demonstrates that the workers feel positive in their characters and occupation parts and additionally being a piece of the ITV. This association should brief about the representative indiscipline like truancy, poor execution which isn't meet the desire of the association. The business law is created to secure the lawful privileges of the representatives and managers and keep up the sheltered work put. Each worker relates to the achievement and disappointment of the association specifically. Along these lines, the work law is needful for each association (, 2018).

Identify and briefly explain the key elements of employment legislation and how this influences ITV’s HR decision making

Fair wages and hours: The primary motivation behind the work law is to roll out improvements in the wages and hours which are now chosen by the ITV as it were. The legislature predominantly made a specific law for reasonable wages and the settled working hours in seven days without paying the extra minutes. As indicated by (2018), the administration needed to keep the kid work, so as far as it set possible

Employment law: Labour law is another name of the Employment law. It makes the highlights of the co connection between the chiefs, exchange association and representatives. As indicated by (2018) the distinctive nations have diverse work law. The ITV will undoubtedly take after the business administers by the administration.

Equality: According to the Employment Equality act 2010, each worker gets same open door with no separation of sex, culture, common status, family status, religion, age incapacity, ethnic source. The wages of the representatives who are doing likewise work in ITV ought to be same. The advancement, motivating force and augmentation ought to be same as indicated by the execution. As indicated by the theory, prerequisite and advancement, break even with pay, working conditions, preparing or encounters and badgering including inappropriate behaviour all are including into this law. The HRM of this association ought to be watchful about those (, 2018).

Equality in the working environment: The working conditions ought to be adaptable for everyone, with the goal that everyone can give the chance to work openly. The legislature has set up the enlistment rules. The workplace ought to be free from provocation. The ITV ought to keep up the prerequisite of sterile and safe working condition (, 2018). On the off chance that this HRM branch of ITV needs to make agreat connection, at that point it needs to deal with the necessities of the workers. Above all else, it ought to take after the business law and the work relations (, 2018).

Health and Safety: According to Health and Safety at work Act, 1974 set up that the HRM division ought to take after

  • The workplace ought to be protected and all around kept up.
  • The bottle, workplace and can be cleanliness
  • To mastermind the medical aid
  • To offer satisfactory protection approach
  • To give the best possible preparing to staff about wellbeing and security
  • To keep up the record of the wellbeing state of the representative

Data Protection: In 1998, the Data Protection Act set up to ensure the individual information and data put away into PC or paper recording framework in the association.

  • The HRM office ought to secure the individual information reasonably and legally
  • Personal information ought to be secured by the HRM division
  • HRM should stay up with the latest with the individual information.
  • Personal information ought not to be spilt out without the authorisation of the specific.
  • The information preparing ought to be required under a lawful commitment


  •, 2018. What is an employee relation? [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018].
  • Board, G., 2017. Recruitment & Selection. Goldstein, H. and Passmore, J., 2017. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention. New jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hunter, S.T., Shortland, N.D., Crayne, M.P. and Ligon, G.S., 2017. Recruitment and selection in violent extremist organizations: Exploring what industrial and organizational psychology might contribute. American Psychologist, 72(3), p.242.
  • Islam, T., 2018. Recruitment And Selection Processof Janata Bank Ltd (Doctoral dissertation, Da LLP, B., 2018. Identifying training needs - How training and development supports business growth - Tesco | Tesco case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018].
  • Sarma, J., 2017. Recruitment And Selection In Assam Carbon Products Limited. Deliberative Research, 35(1), pp.27-32. Shackleton, V., 2015. Recruitment and Selection. Elements of Applied Psychology, p.153. Taylor, S., 2014. Recruitment and selection. Strategic Human Resource Management: An International Perspective, 10(6), pp.139-14.
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