Human Resource


Human resource management is a strategic planning in the conglomerates for managing the staff members in the workplace so that it is posisbel or the organisation to fulfil the specified aims and objectives of the company (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Through managing human resource of the organisation, it is easy to retain efficient staff members and enhance the Organisational performance as a whole for securing future sustainable development by ensuring meeting the strategic goal of the business (Albrecht et al., 2015). The aim of the study is to analyse the tactics of recruitment and selection process in the organisation Walmart through which the leaders and the managers of the company can retain efficient staff members for their organisation so that they can fulfil their prespecified aims and objectives. Walmart is a reputed retail firm providing the quality products including home appliances, clothing, accessories, and other necessities to the customers at effective price. Through this study, it is easy to understand the human resource management practice it he organisation which are helpful for the company to meet their strategic goal. This paper also shed light on the key internal and external factors as well as legislations in the human resource management which have crucial impacts on the strategic decision-making behavior of Walmart as well as management practice of the firm.

Task 1: Explaining the purpose ad scope of human resource management for resourcing talents and skills in the organisation for fulfilling the business objectives

Human resource management is effective for the organisation like Walmart in order to enhance the overall performance of the company for meeting the strategic objectives of the business. The scope of the human resource management is to hire and recruit the best talent in the organisation where the recruited person is able to perform efficiently and conduct his or her responsibility in the organisation successfully (Bos-Nehles et al., 2017). The human resource management is also effective for maintaining the employees and encouraging them for better performance. The scope of effective human resource management is to motivate the employees in the workplace and lead them towards achieving success in near future. Best practice in the human resource management is effective through which it is possible for the human resource managers to develop effective policies and practice for managing the people at the workplace and lead them towards achieving success. Industrial relations can be developed through human resource management and the organisation can provide remuneration, bonus and performance related pay to the employees for encouraging them as well as give them freedom to work with harmony an in this regard these are the best practice of the firm to motivate the employees for enhancing performnace of the organisation as a whole. Therefore, best practice in the human resource management is effective for maintaining proper corporate relationship with all the staff members and the employees in the organisation and retain them for long run in order to enhance the Organisational performance which is necessary for meeting the expectations of the customers ad fulfilling the Organisational aims and objectives. The purpose of effective human resource management is that it improves the overall strategic planning of the company as well as promote growth and enhance opportunities for the company in near future. recruitment and selection strategy of the company is also an effective best practice through which the firm can choose skilled workforce.

There are several recruitment and selection procedure through which the company Walmart can choose the best employees for their organisation where the recruited staff can conduct tehri Organisational activities efficiently for meeting the organisational goals and objectives. there are two type of source for recruitment and selection, one is internal, and another is external. Under the internal recruitment process, there are different ways for selecting the right candidate for the organisation which such are as promotion, departmental exam, internal advertisement, employee recommendations, transfer and retirement through which it is possible to recruit the experienced employees in the organisation. Through this recruitment and selection process, it is possible to hire skilled workforce where the employees are already trained in the company or the staff have the knowledge about the Organisational activities from the present employees of the company. Hereby, it is beneficial for the recruitment and selection team to lower costs and recruit the best possible candidate for their organisation. On the other hand, under the external recruitment and selection procedure, there are different ways such as management consultant, newspaper advertisement, walk in interview, campus recruitment, employment agency and online advertisement through online portals. These are also effective recruitment and selection process through which the company Walmart can enhance talent pool and retain the best talented employees for the organisation. The online job portals are effective to retain experienced staff, in a cost-effective manner (Wehrmeyer, 2017). Newspaper advertisement as well as campus recruitment area sloe effective but cost of recruitment is quiet high as compared to online job advertisement. Apart from that, walk in interview or telephonic interview are also beneficial where the recruiter can understand the skill and knowledge of the candidate through interview and open communication which also provides an opportunity to the organisation to select the experienced staff who can handle the Organisational operational activities successfully.

In the present case study, the company can focus on online recruitment for selecting the right candidate for the company where the selected personnel can manage the responsibility in the organisation. The online portals are effective to enhance talent pool and it provides a scope to the recruiter and representatives of the company to recruit the best experienced person in the organisation. Through online job advertisement, the representatives of the company are also able to target the eligible candidates and encourage the people to apply for the job through which the company can increase talent pool and recruit the best talent in the company (Sung, and Choi, 2016). It is low cost effective for the company where the human resource managers can manage the recruitment and selection process and select the experienced personnel as well as knowledgeable and skilled workforce in the company which is necessary for enhancement of the Organisational performance and fulfilling the Organisational goals and objectives. After online recruitment, the company also focuses on interview process which enhances communication with the candidates through which the company’s recruiters can able to understand the skill and knowledge of the candidate and choose the best candidate for the placement in the organisation. Hereby, the recruitment and selection process of the company Walmart is effective to identify talented workforce and retain them for long run through successful human resource management.

The best practices of the company Walmart include managing employee’s security, recruitment and selection of the company, providing in depth training and development program, arranging induction training for the new employees at the workplace, information sharing, communication and cooperation through which the managers of the company Walmart are able to manage the people at the company. On the other hand, the best fit approach is effective for understanding the linkage between the human resource management practice and the Organisational objective where the company Walmart focuses on enhancing the performnace of the employees to achieve the prespecified goals and objectives of the firm. Through encouraging team work, rewarding the employees ta the workplace, the managers try to enhance the performnace of the staff which in turn provides an opportunity to gain highly competitive advantage. Hereby, both the best fit approach and bets practices in Walmart are beneficial for managing human resource and increasing the capabilities of the employees for enhancing the performnace of the organisation and gaining highly competitive advantage.

PESTLE analysis for understanding labour market trend:

Table: PESTLE Analysis


Improved relation with EU partners and demographic government structure are useful for retaining skilled workforce.

High cooperation among the government bodies across the international border enhance the migration rate of the labourer.


String foreign direct investment flow, liberalisation of the government and economic growth further influence the workforce to get job.


Well-developed educational system, maximisation of social welfare, growing income, and increasing numbers of workforce are effective for social development and it enhances the growth of skilled labour in the market.


Well-developed infrastructure, appropriate training and development facilities, government policies for conducting research and development and innovation are effective for the labourer to improve their knowledge and capabilities for getting better job position.


Legal framework, employees’ legislations and regulations of the government for employment, are also contributing factors in the labour market.


Moving towards sustainability, commitment to the government and environmental policy are also effective factors in handling the labour market and provide suitable jobs to the worker force successfully.

Task 2: Evaluating the key elements of human resource management

There are different human resource management practices which have several benefits for the employers and employees as well as for the organisations also which provide a scope to the business to run their operational activities strategically and manage the internal staff members successfully in long run (Brewster, and Hegewisch, 2017). The human resource management practice such as learning and development as well as arranging effective training in the workplace is beneficial for the employees who can gather more knowledge and skills as well as improve the experience which further ensures high performance at the workplace. Organisational resources and capabilities can be improved through this human resource management practice where the employers are also beneficial as it provides an opportunity to enhance the Organisational performance and gain more profit in long run. On the other hand, employee’s performance management is another human resource management practice through which the employers in the company Walmart can improve the quality of the products and services which helps to deliver quality products to the customers that meets the expectations of the customers. The employers can manage the performance of the employees and motivate them for performing better that further helps to deliver efficient services to the customers according to the needs and preferences of the consumers. In this regard, this training and development program in Walmart is beneficial for the employees where they are being motivated at the workplace and trying to improve their performance through continuous monitoring and feedback from the managers which in turn helps the employees to conduct their responsibilities at the workplace of Walmart as well as contribute in achieving the Organisational goals and objectives. Through training and development as well as open discussion among the team members at the training, it is easy to build strong corporate relationship through which it is possible to enhance internal and external communication as well as positive interaction and cooperation among the team members which in turn helps to meet the organisational gaols successfully (Sung and Choi, 2014). Hereby, providing appropriate training and development is beneficial for enhancing the organisational performance as a whole as well as ensure future sustainable development.

Additionally, payment and reward management are another human resource management practice at Walmart, which is beneficial for both employers and employees which in turn helps to meet the organisational goal and manage the employees strategically. Payment and reward technique at the workplace are beneficial for the employer where they can manage the employees and retain more efficient staff members for the company in long run (Langford et al., 2014). Encouraging the employees and strengthening the relationship are also other benefits for the employers which can be obtained through reward management system at Walmart. It is also advantageous for the employees at the workplace of Walmart to get higher payment and structured salary as well as other financial benefits where they are being motivated by the employers and they try to give full potential to earn higher and their interest can also be improved through reward management system. This is also effective for the employees where they feel valued at the workplace and try to perform better for successful achievement of the organisational goals and objectives. The above-mentioned human resource management practices are hereby beneficial for the employers, employees as well as for the organisation also where it is possible to manage the efficient staff members at the workplace of Walmart where they can fulfil the organisational gaols and objectives strategically.

Flexible working practice is also another human resource management practice through which the employers can develop effective culture and suitable environment for the employees where it is posisbel to motivate them and give them freedom to work as per their convenient. It is also beneficial for the employers to build strong relationship with the employees at Walmart. where flexible working atmosphere is suitable to motivate other staff members. The flexible working practice at the workplace is also beneficial for the employees where the staff members can work as per their convenient and try to give their full potential to work better so that organisational gaols can be achieved. Internal harmony, suitable atmosphere for working at the workplace, positive organisational culture, maintaining transparency and accountability as well as motivation, encouraging creativity and innovation are also other benefits of implementing flexible working practice for successful human resource management at Walmart. Through flexible working practice and providing training and induction program to the employees at Walmart, the profitability volume as well as sales volume of the firm can also be improved, and the employee and the managers try to contribute their full potential for successful utilisation of the organisational resources and capabilities so that it is easy to enhance performance so that it is easy to serve the customers in a unique way. for flexible practice, the company Walmart also focuses on customised working hours, flexible vacation time, part time works, job sharing, information sharing, positive collaboration, respecting each other and encouraging open communication for developing an effective team and enhance the performnace of the staff members successfully which in turn provides a scope to achieve the organisational goal.

Task 3: Analysing the internal and external factors which has impacts on the human resource management decision making including employees’ legislations

Employee’s relationship is one of the major success factors for the conglomerates which helps the employees and the managers to work as a team and meet the team goals (Nel et al., 2014). Strong relationship with the employees helps to reduce absenteeism in the company which in turn helps to improve engagement with all the staff members as well as increase their interest to give their full potential in the organisation to meet the goals and objectives of the firm strategically. Improving morale and motivation as well as enhancing harmony at the workplace are also the beefiest of building strong relationship with the employees which helps in future to maintain organisational structure and fulfill the objectives successfully by ensuring future sustainable development (Snell, Morris and Bohlander, 2015). Increasing productivity of the employees and improving the contribution of the staff members are also possible through building strong employee relationship at the workplace. Hereby, there is effective impacts of developing strong relationship with the employees even on the organisational decision making practice. Strong relationship helps the employers to empower the employees at the workplace and share their views and decision for developing successful decision for the organisation. the employees become empowered and transparency and accountability can be maintained at the workplace for developing fair decision which will be beneficial for all the stakeholders of the business and also for the organisation as a whole.

Additionally, there are structure legislative rules and regulations which are effective for the company to maintain the ethical factors at the workplace and run the organisation ethically without any legal issues (, 1996). Worker’s law, Minimal wage Act, Anti-Discriminatory Act are effective to make fair decision and provide proper wage to the employees which in turn helps to retain efficient employees for the organisation. On the other hand, Anti-Discriminatory Act is helpful to maintain fair practice at the workplace where all the employees are valued equally and there is no such discrimination at the workplace and this further helps the company Walmart to make fair decision and build strong relationship with all the staff members (, 1998;, 2010). Fitness and Protection Act, Information Protection Act 1998, Equality Act 2010 and Health and Safety at Workplace Act are also effective at the workplace of Walmart through which the managers and the employers are fulling the safety requirements of the employees and they are successful in maximising the values and preferences of the employees which in tun helps to maximise employee’s satisfaction and retain the staff members for long run (, 2015a). The health and protection Act 2015 and Employment Rights Act 1996 are also beneficial for following legislative rules of employment which provides a scope to the employer to empower the employees and create values for them at the workplace of Walmart where the rights of the staff members are maximised, and the safety and security of the employees are enhanced at the workplace where they can work safely (, 2015b). It is the ethical responsibility of the organisation Walmart to build strong relationship, maximise the values of the employees ta the workplace through providing monetary and non-monetary rewards and managing health and safety at the workplace. On the other hand, the social responsibility of Walmart towards the employees are such as the manager are taking care of fulfilling the basic needs of the employees, improving love and respect, providing social values at the social communities, as well as enhance self actualisation and self-esteem at the workplace so that the workers can feel valued and maximise the sense of achievements.

Task 4: Applying human resource management practice in the work-related context

Online job advertisement is the best practice for the company Walmart through which the recruiter can select and hire the best candidate after proper screening and interview through which the recruiter can understand the potential and efficiently of the staff members in the organisation, whether they are able to perform and conduct their responsibilities in the workplace or not. The job advertisement for the company Walmart can be developed further,

Company Name: Walmart

Job description: Providing high quality products and efficient services to the customers according to their needs and preferences 

Designation in the company: Store manager

Job type: Full time

Salary: $ 50,000 -$55,000

Purpose of the job:

  • To provide efficient customers service
  • To manage the store’s environment and welcome the customers well
  • To manage the products and offer the right products to the right customers
  • To contribute in brand reputation
  • To enhance performance of the staff members through motivation and encouragement
  • To manage the customers proficiently

Roles and responsibility:

  • Retaining more long-term customers
  • Creating trust and loyalty
  • Building relationship with the customers through customer relationship management
  • Managing existing staff at the store
  • Managing the products in the store
  • Serving the customers proficiently

It is the responsibility of the company to provide all the detailed information related to the job which are helpful for the candidates to understand their position in the company as well as their responsibility at the workplace which provides a scope to the candidates to apply for the right post. In this present case study, Walmart also focuses on online job advertisement which will attract more candidates and it further provides a scope to the recruiter to select the right candidate from the talent pool as per the requirements of the company. As per the job advertisement, the role of the employee is as store manager who can handle the store environment and manage the customers well by delivering the right products and quality services according to the needs and preferences of the customers.

Purpose of the job:

  • To provide efficient customers service
  • To manage the store’s environment and welcome the customers well
  • To manage the products and offer the right products to the right customers
  • To contribute in brand reputation
  • To enhance performance of the staff members through motivation and encouragement
  • To manage the customers proficiently

Roles and responsibility:

  • Retaining more long-term customers
  • Creating trust and loyalty
  • Building relationship with the customers through customer relationship management
  • Managing existing staff at the store
  • Managing the products in the store
  • Serving the customers proficiently


It can be concluded that, human resource management strategic planning is beneficial for Walmart to manage their staff members and enhance the Organisational performance by retaining efficient staff and employees in the firm who are able to meet the customer’s expectations and run the operational activities of the business strategically. The strategies including training and development, high communication, strong relationship with the employees, managing cultural diversity and health and safety at workplace are beneficial for the employees in Walmart where these factors influence the staff members to perform better and motivate them to give their full potential to meet the organisational objectives and create values for all the stakeholders. The legislative structure as well as the legal guidelines of the business are also effective for the company Walmart to create values for their staff members and motivate them to work as a team and meet the objectives of the company. The company mainly focuses on external recruitment policy through job advertisement for enhancing talent pool and recruit the best staff members and efficient employees who are able to handle the operational activities of the company proficiently. The strategic planning of the human resource management in the company Walmart is therefore beneficial to mete the strategic goal and recruit the experienced workers for running the business successfully.

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