Human Resource


Human Resource Management (HRM) involves processing of recruitment and selection, developing training for employees, delivering induction and orientation, providing compensation, maintaining effective employee relationship and others. In this assignment, detailed information regarding the practices developed by HRM of Woodhill College is discussed and the way they execute the practices are explained.

Explaining the scope and purpose of HRM in Woodhill College (P1, M1)

HRM refers to the function conducted within the firm which had the key focus on managing recruitment and selection, employee development and training along with coordinating staffs within the work environment (Jackson et al. 2014). As mentioned by Purce (2014), the key purpose of HRM in an organisation is to maximise the outcome of the firm by motivating employees to do their best in executing work. In Woodhill College, the purpose of the HRM is to create effective productivity for the organisation which is delivering best students and education curriculum by motivating the existing teaching staffs and others to provide effective work effort (, 2018). As criticised by Albrecht et al. (2015), improper purpose fulfilment of HRM leads to lower productivity of the organisation creating their lower growth in the market. Thus, it is the duty of Woodhill College that they effectively fulfil the purpose of HRM so that productivity of the institution is maximised effectively at the end through the help of their employees.

The scope of HRM is categorised into three aspects that include personal, industrial and welfare aspect. As mentioned by Sheehan (2014), personal aspect involves tasks that are related to employee sector. This means the aspect covers tasks like workforce planning, appraisal of employee, induction and orientation and others. The welfare aspect is internal matter of HRM where they develop policies and procedures for effective well-being of the employee to make them feel satisfied and valued in the workplace. As asserted by Stone et al. (2015), industrial aspect includes maintaining of effective relationship with the employee for smoothly running the business with success. In Woodhill College, for effective coordination and management of employees to bring in productivity in the form of improved educational institution it is needed that its HRM ensure using and exploiting each scope as mentioned.

Workforce planning refers to the process used for alignment of requirement and priorities of the firm with the workforce for ensuring that it accomplishes its regulatory, legislative production and service requirements along the objectives of the organisation. Thus, implementation of workforce planning helps to develop best team of employee management for increasing profits to ensure long-term success for the firm (Marchington, 2015). As commented by Buettner (2015), lack of workforce planning leads to confusing working environment and improper success for the firm. Thus, Woodhill College needs to implement workplace planning effectively so that they can properly coordinate their employees to work according to the requirement and priorities of the college.

The functions of HRM in executing effective workforce planning include providing equal employee opportunity, effective hiring and selection of employees, developing employee training and development, managing legal issues related to employment, creating performance appraisal, arranging compensation and benefits for employees along with others (Kramar, 2014). As mentioned by Armstrong (2014), proper recruitment and selection lead to the choice of best workforce required for accomplishing the needs of the organisation. Thus, in Woodhill College, the HRM need to properly recruit and select individuals by checking their educational background as well as work experience and personal efficiency to execute given tasks. This is because it helps them to effectively accomplish their function as the information helps to recruit talented and skilled staffs as per required by the Woodhill College. As criticised by Hunter et al. (2017), lack of effective implementation of recruitment and selection leads to lower the progress and productivity of the organisation. Thus, Woodhill College needs to implement effective evaluation of individuals before their recruitment and selection.

The training and development of employees are required to educate them regarding the way to execute tasks along with providing skill with talent required to accomplish complex tasks with innovativeness (Kadiresan et al. 2015). In Woodhill College, the HRM has not implemented training and development of their employees which has led to issues in work management. Thus, HRM presently needs to implement training as prior requirement to improve productivity for Woodhill College as it would allow effective addition of talent and skills for the employee to do their tasks efficiently. As asserted by Sung and Choi (2014), proper employee relations are required to be established by the HRM of the organisation so that a positive working environment can be created. Moreover, effective communication is to be performed as a function for HRM so as to identify needs and demands and employee. This is required so that the needs and demands are appropriately fulfilled to make the employees valued as valued employee feel motivated to provide effective work efficiency (Sung and Choi, 2016). Thus, the HRM in Woodhill College has to take up provision to effectively establish positive employee relations at work so as to avoid conflict at work. As argued by Alhejji and Garavan (2016), conflicting work situation leads to hinder product for the firm as the employee cannot work in a coordinative manner. Moreover, the HRM in Woodhill College is trying to effectively communicate with their employees on a regular basis so that assistance for complication and help need by them to implement effective talent and skills at work can be provided. This is done to improve productivity for the institution, in turn, fulfilling the purpose of HRM in Woodhill College.

An effective reward system boosts the employee to work hard as they feel satisfied that their work efforts are properly valued (Bos-Nehles et al. 2017). In Woodhill College, the HRM have implemented providing employee rewards but it is not still effective to provide satisfaction to all employees because of some report that the rewards given to them are not what they expect. Thus, this leads to hinder their workforce planning to some extent. As asserted by Foss et al. (2015), the type of rewards preferred by the employees required to provided by the organisation for successful motivation of the employees. Thus, to do so Woodhill College at the present need to discuss with their employees regarding the type of rewards they require for effective motivation at work to them. As per Mostafa et al. (2015), employee appraisal and promotion is a function of HRM which is required for providing effective motivation to employees for work. Thus, Woodhill College needs to implement the function effectively so that talented and skilled employees provide work effort with efficiency for bringing productivity for the college. The promotion provides motivation to employee because they feel their efforts are valued and results to develop hope that they can progress in career (Lazaroiu, 2015).

The employee legislation is required to be maintained by the organisation to legally execute workforce planning. This is because unethical workforce planning makes employee to feel exploited at work resulting in lower work effort creating lower productivity by the organisation (Brewster et al. 2015). Thus, HRM at Woodhill College has provisioned to abide by the legislation at work to implement order as well as legal workforce planning. The Woodhill College is already seen to have implemented Data Protection Act 1998, Equality Act 2010 and Minimum Wage Act 2016. The Data Protection Act 1998 refers that individuals information at the workplace needs to secured and not to be used without prior permission from the individuals (, 1998). Thus, HRM in Woodhill College uses this Act to provide protection of personal information of employees. The Equality Act 2010 refers that no individuals are to be discriminated on any grounds within the workplace and each of them has equal rights (, 2010).As mentioned by Dietz et al. (2015), discrimination at work makes employee to feel negative morale as they are not provided effective opportunity to show case their talent and skills along with use of their personal rights. Thus, HRM of Woodhill College has implemented this Act so that each of the employees is allowed to portray their talents and skills within the institution without any form of discrimination. The Minimum Wage Act 2015 refers to allocate effective payroll and salary for the employee as per industry standards (, 2015). Thus, implementation of this Act has led HRM at Woodhill College to provide effective salary as per industry standards to employee making them feel motivated to portray effective skills and talent due to satisfaction at work.

The Health and Safety Act 2015 refers that effective health assurance and safety opportunities are to be provided to employees at work (, 2015). Thus, this Act also needs to be implemented by HRM of Woodhill College so that safety assurance at work with improved health management can be provided to the employees. This is needed because safe environment makes employee feel free to work without any risk resulting in effective implementation of their talent and skills to execute task. The Employment Rights Act 1996 refers that a proper contract has to be given to the employees (, 1996). The HRM at Woodhill College by implementing the Act also need to develop valid employment contracts so that the employees are clear about the tasks they require to perform during their tenure in the institution.

The conclusion shows that effective workforce planning is required to be implemented by Woodhill College to earn effective economic stability and productivity at work. Moreover, the planning is needed to have access to right individuals at the time of need in the right place. Moreover, Woodhill College needs to further implement the legislation so that the employees feel more secured to work within the institution providing their full work effort to execute tasks.

Explaining the strength and weakness of approaches to selection and recruitment for Woodhill College (P2, M2, D2)

The recruitment is one of the core function of HRM where effective process for attracting, shortlisting, selecting as well as appointing suitable individuals are made for job vacancies within a firm (Breaugh, 2017). The selection of candidates is a part that falls under the recruitment process. As mentioned by Furnham (2017), selection refers to choice or picking up of right and efficient candidates who are suitable and have the ability to perform tasks mentioned under a job vacancy within an organisation. Moreover, selection can also be sated as the process of evaluating candidates by examining their qualities that are required for the job description mentioned in the job vacancy. The same concept regarding recruitment and selection is perceived by HRM at Woodhill College.

The various approaches to recruitment include internal, external and third-party sourcing. As mentioned by Phillips and Gully (2015), internal sourcing recruitment approach involves advertisement of vacant position among the existing employee involved with the organisation. The strength of internal sourcing for recruitment is that newly recruited employees are not needed to be provided training and extra finances to be spent for advertisement of job vacancy is spared. The use of this approach by Woodhill College is going to provide them advantage in recruiting employees within low cost. As mentioned by Phillips and Gully (2017), internal recruitment involves lower cost for training as the employees already have knowledge regarding the way to execute tasks within the organisation. This recruitment approach is also helpful for Woodhill College because they would have background knowledge about the employees thus providing effective assurance to the organisation that they are recruiting effective talent need for the post. As argued by Ferrary (2015), internal recruitment approaches have the weakness of limiting the choice of recruiting effective candidates. Thus, Woodhill College by using this recruitment process lower their scope of selecting efficient candidates who would have led to more effective productivity of the company.

The external sourcing of recruitment refers the method through which employees are selected by using various external recruitment tools such as job boards, trade publications, newspaper advertisement and others (Buller and McEvoy, 2016). Thus, using this recruitment approach is going to help Woodhill College to bring in employees who are more diversely talented and posses more effective skills with out-of-the-box thinking for executing tasks within the organisation which no other existing employees presently posses. Thus, it is also an important strength of external recruitment which resolves the limitation of knowledge issues related to internal recruitment. As mentioned by Gërxhani and Koster (2015), external recruitment has the strength of identifying candidates for fulfilling job vacancy from a pool of talents. Thus, using external recruitment would help Woodhill College to have wider options while selecting candidates thus expanding their scope of selection of best talent. As criticised by Chang and Chin (2018), external sourcing of recruitment often takes longer time which acts as its weakness of not preferring to use it. This is because in case the organisation wishes immediate fulfilment of the vacancy then it cannot be executed by external recruitment. As criticised by Mahmood (2015), external recruitment involves high expenditure as finances are to be used for advertisement of job vacancies. Therefore, using it would result to increase the overall expenditure by Woodhill College related to recruitment and selection process that may lead to hinder their financial security if adequate amount of funds are not present.

The Abbey College in UK is seen to use external and internal sourcing of recruitment for fulfilling job vacancy that has led to effectively maintain their talented and skilled employee at work by the institution. This is done so as the weakness of one recruitment process is resolved by the others strength (, 2018). Moreover, King’s College in London is also seen to use internal as well as external sourcing of recruitment for allocating candidates to fulfil vacancies in college. This is done so that when immediate recruitment of candidates is needed internal recruitment is used and during requirement of talented and more diverse candidates with more time external recruitment is used (, 2018). Thus, Woodhill College needs to use both the internal and external sourcing recruitment approach for fulfilling job vacancies effectively by resolving limitation involved with each approach.

The third-party sourcing of recruitment involves the use of placement agencies for finding out and recruiting qualified candidates. As asserted by Dineen and Allen (2016), third party sourcing of recruitment approach is seen to use techniques and tools for finding out qualified applicants like salary compensation, flexible benefits package and others. The strength of using third-party recruiter is that they provide information about qualified candidates within less time who needs low training and have higher experience and talent to get accustomed with the work nature of the organisation that is demanded by the firm. Thus, using this recruitment approach by Woodhill College is going to help them get diverse talent within less time. As mentioned by Reisberg and Altbach (2015), third-party sourcing of recruitment has the strength of providing best candidates from the pool of talent with authenticated knowledge about their work and personal background. Thus, using it would help Woodhill College to have effective evaluation of candidates providing knowledge to the institution whether the individuals is appropriate to get compatible with the organisational culture or not. This is because employees who are incompatible with the organisation’s culture often raise conflict. As argued by Kern and Müller-Böker (2015), third-party recruitment has the weakness of increased cost, communication issues with the candidates and lack of control of the HRM to choose individuals according to their wish. Thus, Woodhill College may face hindrances such as increased recruitment cost, lack of effective interaction with the candidates before selection creating complication in recruitment and selection. The selection process includes telephone interview, personal interview, cultural-fit selection and others. As mentioned by Brinkmann (2014), telephonic interview includes indirect communication with the job candidates making the selection process complex resulting in their weakness as effective information from the body language of the candidates that is needed in real-time job communication cannot be developed. Moreover, telephonic selection has weakness of involving higher-cost. As argued by McMurray et al. (2016), telephonic interview selection has the strength such as quick and fair selection of candidates along with personal touch. Thus, it can be used by Woodhill College in time of immediate and dier need of job vacancy to be fulfilled. As per Chidlow et al. (2014), personal interview selection process has the advantage of accurate screening of candidates, capture of non-verbal and verbal quotes of the candidates providing effective opportunity to the recruiter to evaluate the candidate’s efficiency in real-time task execution. Moreover, this selection would also help Woodhill College to keep effective focus on selection of best candidate through face-to-face interaction. As criticised by Drew (2014), limited number of employees can be selected through personal interview as it requires huge time and effort acting as their weakness. Thus, using this process by Woodhill College cannot help them recruit effective number of employee within minimised time. The strength of culture-fit selection process has the strength of selecting employees who have efficiency to work in a diverse cultural environment without any form of discrimination (Feeney et al. 2015). Thus, using it for selecting employees at Woodhill College would help them to maintain a diverse work culture without raising any cultural conflict within the institution with recruitment and selection of new employee.


Application of HRM practices in a work-related context (P7, M5)

The job advertisement made is for recruitment of Assistant Professor in teaching Human Resource Management. The candidate needs to have following educational qualification and require possessing effective communication ability along with being a good listener, require having patience, willingness and experience to teach.

Identification of suitable platform for job advertisement

The platforms that can be used for creating mentioned job advertisement for Woodhill College are as follows:

Online Resources: The online sources refer to technological and digital platform that helps in communicating with individuals (Beerepoot and Lambregts, 2015). Thus, Woodhill College can use online platforms such as email services, phone messages, job websites and others for positing the above-mentioned job advertisement. The job website is a potential platform for the advertisement because here potential and serious candidates who are willing to work for the job description apply for the job vacancy. Moreover, the website also provides scope for the Woodhill College to select candidates by evaluating their education and experience profile thus helping to improve the recruitment and selection process. As mentioned by Nunley et al. (2015), email messaging act as personal message to alert potential candidates about job vacancies. Moreover, using online platforms for job advertisement helps Woodhill College to alert and select potential candidates from a pool of talents within lower cost and minimised time.

Social Media platform: The social media platform refers to those web-based technologies that allow deployment of information to the individuals by use of social media websites (Collmus et al. 2016). In order to advertise the mentioned job advertisement, Woodhill College can use social-media platform like Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumbler and others. The selection of social-media site for job advertisement is suggested because in the present situation most of the people are seen to spent most of their time in searching information and communicating in the social-media sites for various information (Collmus et al. 2016). Thus, using it would lead the college in attracting easy attention of potential candidates for the declared job advert.

Preparation of Job description and Person specification for the job role

Job Purpose:

  • To provide sound knowledge to the students regarding Human Resource Management in various firms and organisation
  • To inform practical experience to the students regarding the way they can manage HRM issues in real-life situation while working within any organisation
  • To effectively contribute in raising the education and teaching standards in College
  • Roles and Responsibilities:

  • To ensure that all students effectively shows interest towards the mentioned subject and is able to gather effective knowledge and understand at the end
  • To engage yourself in various research activities to provide improved knowledge regarding HRM to students
  • Betterment of performance by students

Person Specification:

  • PhD in Human Resource Management from government recognised university
  • Minimum 55% marks in MBA in Human Resource Management
  • Fluency in English

Desired Qualification:

  • Minimum 5 years experience in teaching in a recognised university
  • Have excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skill
  • Ability to manage student issues and have involved in research work

Extra Qualification:

  • Punctual at work
  • Involved in effectively coordinating training programs
  • Ability to supervise and being mentor to students


The discussion shows that main purpose of the HRM in any organisation such as in this case Woodhill College is to create effective productivity by motivating the employees to work effectively for the organisation. The functions that are performed by HRM of Woodhill College include employee reward management, promotion and appraisal, recruitment and selection, employee training and development and others. Moreover, Woodhill College is suggested to use internal and external sources of recruitment along with personal interview for selection of appropriate candidate. Lastly, a detailed job description for Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management within Woodhill College is provided and they are suggested to use online platform and social media platform for the mentioned job advertisement.


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