
English for Academic Purposes

Self evaluation checklist


The topic of the essay is to compare and contrast the educational system in the UK and China in terms of funding ad quality assurance an in this regard I try to identify the appropriate secondary sources by searching through the key words of the essay topic. After identifying appropriate journals and articles, I try to evaluate the collected information and through critical thinking I aim to represent the information to meet the objective of the essay which is to identify the educational system in the China and UK in terms of funding and quality. Discover additional insights on Reading and planning for academic purpose to our other resources hub.


The essay is about to discuss the educational system in the UK and china in terms of funding and quality assurance. In order to complete the task efficiently, it is necessary to introduce the topic successfully through explaining the needs of educational system in the country and its impacts on the society. After introducing the educational system in general, it is useful too represent the aim of the essay which is to acknowledge and compare the UK educational system with Chinese teaching practice in terms of quality assurance and funding. After introducing the research topic, it is necessary to develop arguments by discussing the teaching practice and procedures for quality assurance in both the countries, China and the UK.

In the main body of the essay, there is proper discussion of the educational system in China and the UK which also has proper evidence as I aim to identify accurate journals and articles for gathering effective knowledge and information regarding the educational system in the UK and China. After discussing the teaching system and quality funding as well as funding, there is appropriate concluding sentence which provides a scope to identify the effective educational system. Conclusion part also helps to recommend some suitable suggestions through which the educational system of the UK can be improved.

Paragraph structure


Necessity of educational system in the country and the aim of the essay are explained in the introduction portion where the objective of the researcher is to compare and contrast the educational system of the UK and China in terms of quality assurance and funding.

Evaluating the educational system in the UK and China:

Proper discussion regarding the differences in funding as well as the quality assurance technique is discussed in this portion with proper arguments and evaluation. It can be found that in China, HEEC is concerned about the quality of educational system and in the UK QAA is looking for providing quality assurance to the students. As per the funding, the government in China totally sponsored the education, but in the UK both school grants and private contribution are helpful to improve the quality of education.

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Summarising the main findings in the conclusion is effective for concluding the educational system and identifying the effective educational system which is good for the students. Proper recommendations such as introducing more practical based learning, increasing real life experience based teaching practice and empowering the students are also developed so that the UK educational system can be improved.


Essay self assessment form

In order to represent the essay, I try to follow proper structure through which it is possible to represent the ideas of the essay topic. Good introduction and evaluating the collected information are helpful for me to represent the essay by demonstrating overall ideas. Effective research further provides me a scope to gain knowledge and improve understanding regarding the topic of the essay. After gathering proper information, I try to evaluate the collected information and represent it by maintaining proper grammatical rules and sentence construction. Good referencing further helps to discuss the essay topic critically and proper evidence related to the subject.

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