
“Why should young people choose to study at University?”

A university education provides an opportunity to the students to become a productive member in the society where the students are beneficial to get proper environment and culture to raise their capabilities and improve their performance as a human being. Through the university study, the students can gather more skill and knowledge through which they become successful in establishing in their lives (Pedro and Franco, 2016). The students aim to choose the university study in order to get proper employment as per their skill and abilities and meet their financial goals in near future. The admission in the university will provide a scope to the students to improve their knowledge and understanding and compete in such a global competitive world for getting proper employment. Hereby, higher education improves one’s capabilities and provides employment opportunities. University study is also beneficial as it helps the students to be open minded, teach them how to collaborate and communicate with others which would be beneficial for them in their professional career. Additionally, the students also can improve their mental abilities, emotional intelligence, teamwork activities and person network to widen their employment opportunities in near future (Gamer, 2017). Person’s confident can also be improved through the university study and the student can explore more opportunities by contributing in their personal and professional development.

The student’s major goal to get proper enrolment in the university is to get appropriate employment opportunities as well as meet their financial goals in future. The university resources, technological upgradation and support from the peers further help the students to increase their knowledge and skill to maximise their standard of living where they can enjoy financial freedom in their future live by fulfilling their needs and preferences (Heffernan, Wilkins and Butt, 2018). Wealth and contribution in the wellbeing of the family members are also other importance for which the students focus to get admission in the university. Additionally, the students also can have the opportunity to improve their problem solving and critical thinking skill which in turn helps them to increase their analytical skill as well as decision making skill that are important in their future career. Hereby, the university is the suitable place to teach the students and improve their capabilities, as well as help them to become a great thinker and decision maker in getting appropriate employment opportunities to fulfil their career goals and enhance financial freedom by ensuring an effective standard of living of the individuals.

Reference List

Gamer, M.A.M., 2017. Students’ Perception of the Importance of the Use of Information Technology in Higher Education at Dongola University and the Difficulties they Face. The Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education10(28), pp.57-96.

Heffernan, T., Wilkins, S. and Butt, M.M., 2018. Transnational higher education: The importance of institutional reputation, trust and student-university identification in international partnerships. International Journal of Educational Management32(2), pp.227-240.

Pedro, E. and Franco, M., 2016. The importance of networks in the transnational mobility of higher education students: Attraction and satisfaction of foreign mobility students at a public university. Studies in Higher Education41(9), pp.1627-1655.

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