
Financial Decision Making OF Tesco


For an organisation, the most important task is managing the accounting system at the workplace (McLaney and Atrill, 2014). The accounting system of an organisation helps the management to calculate the financial growth of the organisation systematically. In this detailed study, the learner would be discussing various aspects related to the cost accounting as well as the accounting system of Tesco. The chosen organisation Tesco is one of the top-rated retail organisations in the UK that has more than 500 of stores in the UK. The market of Tesco has been reached in the global market also with having more than 1000 stores and 5000 employees (, 2018).


Part a: Different management accounting systems of Tesco

Management accounting system has derived or defined as the calculating tool that is being required to measure the financial position of the organisation in the current market. In every organisation, the finance department is the respective department that is using the management accounting system for calculating the financial data of the organisation. Schaltegger and Burritt (2017) stated that, in an organisation, management used various types of accounting management system with the help of which they calculate the financial growth in the existed market. The statement has deduced that in an organisation, there are an organisation uses more than one management accounting system for measuring the financial position. In this part of the study, the learner would discuss the accounting management system of Tesco descriptively.

Relevant Costing

Tesco is using relevant costing accounting management system with the help of which the organisation keep track of its financial activities in the workplace. Theoretically, the relevant costing has been defined as the systematic costing system, under which the bookkeepers are keeping a record of all kinds of transactions to evaluate as well as estimate the cost of each transactions. In the regards to this accounting system, Otley (2016) defined that in an organisation there are several kinds of financial transactions are takes place. Thus, by the help of this technique, the organisation or system the organisation or the viewers could keep it eyes over every single transaction. The statement has deduced that in the organisation to check all kinds of business transactions are takes place that might be directly or indirectly in few cases are associatedwith the financial activities. The organisation Tesco is utilising the relevant costing method as well as accounting system in the organisation to check the nature of the financial transactions. Tesco is one of the largest retail organisations in the UK. Also, it has its manufacturing plants. Thus, it is necessary that the organisation needs to keep their eyes on over every single transaction that take place in the organisation as well as in the market. Every single activity done by the stakeholders of an organisation is, directly and indirectly, influenced the over the performance of the organisation (, 2018).

In the market, every organisation is always focusing on the availability of resources in the targeted market that helps an organisation to judge either they have enough resources to produce final products or not. The chosen organisation Tesco is also focusing on the resources based marketing techniques according to which the auditors of the organisation are focusing on the availability of resources at the market. By the help of relevant costing technique the organisation Tesco, manage the optimality of the resources.

Full costing

The full costing method has been derivedfrom keeping in the record all kinds of financial data in the books of account so that there should be no data being omitted. The organisational growth and the development are always dependable over the financial growth of the organisation, and so the organisation is always trying to manage their accounting system in such as way so that they can reduce the chance of data error in the organisation. Christopher (2016) defines that for an organisation the most important factor is how or in which way they are recording their business transactions in the books of account. Only by this, the organisation could handle their financial statement. The statement has defined that the organisation like Tesco has been established at large scale and hence it is needed a high level of accounting management system by the help of which it can take care of its financial data. To fulfil this requirement, the organisation Tesco is using the technique of full costing at the workplace for calculating all kinds of expenses that take place in the operation field. It has been seen that in the past few years the organisation has faced a saviour downfall due to poor accounting management system at the workplace. Tesco has failed to manage its accounting calculation at the organisation, and so the organisation has faced few complications in the market. To recover from this issue, the organisation has reframed their accounting system and has implemented a full costing accounting system. This technique has helped the organisation to maintain its financial statement in a better way. With the help of full costing accounting system, Tesco has managed its fixed costs and variable costs at the workplace. It has further helped the organisation to gain as much profit in the market as the organisation now know their financial strength also has the power to invest in the market in a systematic way (, 2018).

Part b: Critically evaluation of the successful management accounting systems of Tesco

It has been derived in the above part of this detailed study that for an organisation, its financial statement is so much important. The financial statement of an organisation is the key factor of that organisation that is representing the core performance of that organisation in the targeted market. The financial statement of the organisation includes its income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement along with ratio analysis that further helps the organisation to measures its overall performance in an accounting period. Bebbington et al. (2014) stated that for an organisation it is so much important that it should manage its working capital ratio in the positive sense so that it can handle the day-to-day expenses at the workplace. From the statement, it has been deduced that the working capital ratio of the organisation has contained the cash potential figure of that organisation by the help of which that organisation is deciding what else has to be done to overcome of its cash equivalence. The organisational development is dependable over the financial performance of the organisation so that the organisation could decide what else has to be done in the future market.

In the above section, the accounting management system of Tesco has been defined that has clarified that the organisation Tesco has tried well in the market to retain its growth in the market. Bennett and James (2017) stated that relevant costing system is the accounting system that helps the organisation to measure its organisational growth also helps to calculate the relevant cost of sales as well as production in the organisation. The statement has deduced that for an organisation the most important factor is to estimate its cost of production or cost per activity. For this proper calculation is required that would be helpful for the organisation to estimate its future cost. The relevant cost accounting system is helpful to manage the cost of sales or other activities as under this process the bookkeeper is recording all those transactions that are directly connected to the production process and marketing process. Chiwamit et al. (2017) added the discussion that for an organisation the most important task is to manage the operational activities and the marketing activities over which the entire organisational performance has been dependable. The organisational development has been defined as the growth of the organisation in financial form.

The organisational growth is highly dependable over the financial statement of the organisation that is helping the organisation to take a managerial decision in the market. As per the above discussion, it has been found that Tesco has implemented another accounting management system at their workplace that has helped the organisation to manage its cost in the organisation. Hyndman et al. (2014) defined that full cost accounting system has been defined as the kind of accounting system under which the organisation is measuring its variable cost and the fixed cost. The statement has deduced that in an organisation if the cost of the production is not measured by the organisation, then it might be failed to estimate the outcome of the organisation. The statement has deduced that for an organisation, it is so much important that it should invest as much amount over the production process or technique that much the organisation could afford. It can be only possible in that case when the organisation is considering the organisation is calculating its fixed cost and variable cost. Hiebl (2017) added to the discussion that for an organisation it is so much important to calculate the variable cost and fixed cost that further help the organisation to estimate probable profit ration. The statement ha deduced that for an organisation it is so much important that it should know about its variable cost as well as fixed cost so that that organisation can take are medial managerial decision about the production of final products in the market.

The discussion has even derived that the two of the techniques that are using by the chosen organisation Tesco in the workplace is beneficial for that organisation. The discussion has revealed that in the organisation if the financial department fulfils the requirement of the organisation systematically than it would be beneficial for the entire organisation.

Part c: Discuss and justify how the systems currently employed could be improved

It has been discussed in the above statement the organisational development is measured based on the financial strength of the organisation. It has been inferred in the above piece of this point by point contemplate that for an association, its money related proclamation is so much criticism. The money related articulation of an association is the key factor of that association that is speaking execution of that association deeply in the focused on showcase. The monetary articulation of the association incorporates its salary proclamation, asset report and income explanation alongside proportion investigation that further causes the association to measures its general execution in a bookkeeping period. Goddard and Simm (2017) expressed that for an association it is so much vital that it ought to deal with its working capital proportion in the positive sense so it can deal with the everyday costs at the work environment. From the announcement, it has been derived that the working capital proportion of the association has the potential money figure of that association by the assistance of which that association is choosing what else must be done to overcome of its money proportionality. The authoritative advancement is tried,andtruly finished the money related execution of the association with the goal that the association could choose what else must be done later on advertise.

In the above segment, the bookkeeping administration arrangement of Tesco has been characterised that has elucidated that the association Tesco haws attempted well in the market to hold its development in the market. Weir (2018) expressed that, applicable costing framework is the bookkeeping framework that causes the association to gauge its authoritative development likewise computes the important cost of offers and alsocreated in the association. The announcement has reasoned that for an association the most vital factor is to appraise its cost of creation or cost per action. For this appropriate figuring is required, that would be useful for the association to assess its future cost. The significant cost bookkeeping framework is useful to deal with the cost of offers or different exercises as under this procedure the clerk is recording each one of those exchanges that are straightforwardly associated with the generation procedure and showcasing process. Galliers et al. (2014) included the dialogue that for an association the most vital assignment is to deal with the operational exercises and the showcasing exercises over which the whole hierarchical execution has been trustworthy. The authoritative advancement has been characterised as the development of the association in the budgetary frame.

The authoritative development is profoundly trustworthy over the monetary explanation of the association that is helping the association to take administrative choice in the market. According to the above talk, it has been discovered that Tesco has executed another bookkeeping administration framework in their working environment that has helped the association to deal with its cost in the association. It is being suggested that full cost bookkeeping framework has been characterised as the sort of bookkeeping framework under which the association is estimating its variable cost and the settled cost. The announcement has reasoned that in an association if the association does not estimate the cost of the creation, then it may be neglected to gauge the result of the association. The announcement has concluded that for an association, it is so much imperative that it ought to contribute as much sum over the generation procedure or strategy that much the association could bear. It can be just conceivable overall, when the association is thinking about the association is

figuring its settled cost and variable cost. It is being suggested that for an association it is such a great amount of essential to compute the variable cost and settled cost that further enable the association to appraise likely benefit to proportion. The announcement has found that for an association it is so much criticism that it should think about its variable cost also settled cost with the goal that that association can take therapeutic administrative choice about the creation of definite items in the market.

The exchange has even inferred that the two of the strategies that are utilising by the picked association Tesco in the working environment is valuable for that association. The exchange has uncovered that in the association if the money related office satisfies the prerequisite of the association on the deliberate way than it would be advantageous for the whole association.


For an organisation, the most important task is managing the accounting system at the workplace. The accounting system of an organisation helps the management to calculate the financial growth of the organisation systematically. In this detailed study, the learner would be discussing various aspects related to the cost accounting as well as the accounting system of Tesco. In this detailed study, it has been defined that the chosen organisation is utilising the relevant costing and full cost accounting system at the workplace for measuring the variable cost and flexible cost in the market. From the study, it has also been found that the accounting tools what else is using by the organisation Tesco are beneficial for the organisation, as those tools are helpful to know the production cost and another cost at the workplace.


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