Human Resource

The role of human resource management in the workplace during unretirement


Retirement is the practical aspect of service-life in which people leave their job at a certain age and spend their life freely with family and friends. Years ago, when people retired, they got a farewell party, gold watch and some amount of cash. However, it is not necessary that the aged people cannot perform better than younger people. In many times, we can see that, aged people have lots of experience and knowledge that make them able to deal with new challenges tactfully which cannot be done by young one. Human resource is one of the important marketing team who deals not only with the hiring and staffing of talented candidates but also provides a better way to the workforce to apply all the important organisational resources into a business framework to reach the industrial ladder.


The retirement of potential human resource managers or HR staff can make a huge loss to the organisational framework. Due to a prolonged experience of selecting potential candidates from the large talent pool is not an easy job. It needs a high level of market research and recognition of organisation’s actual needs. Only experienced HR staffs can understand what their organisation want from them and how they can attract the talented youth towards the business to expand its range. Retirement of these experienced people makes organisation unable to get their proper replacement who can handle the entire task accordingly in well-organised manner. There arises an emerging concept of unretirement, which is important mainly for the human resource department in any organisation. It depicts the ideas, in which anyone doesn't have to retire from his or her designation. How does it would be, if you have the allowance to do the work you want and there is no retirement at all? There is list of benefits of human resource in any organisation which makes it clear that unretirement for the experience HR staffs can make a huge loss to the organisational both the economically and physically. The roles that Hr performs in an organisation are as follows:

Employee engagement: By providing all the possible organisational resource HR team maintains proper supervision of the workforce to monitor the collaborative approach and synergistic behaviour. It is important for the organisation to retention potential HR staffs into their organisation to direct as well lead their way on a useful path which makes the employee able to deal potential challenges. It is not always true that workers work in a company only for earning proper money. Instead, they work in an organization just because they love the work. Retirement can damage the emotional attachment of HR staffs to their task. By establishing proper coordination among organisational staffs, HR staffs make synergistic workplace in which the entire employee works for the large organisational goal. HR managers promote strong employee relationship by establishing employee engagement, job satisfaction and solution to an organizational conflict. Unretirement can make potential HR team who can easily provoke the right motivation and encouragement to promote positive as well as innovative marketing ideas to meet an organisational target.

Recruiting and selection: The success of both the company and the workforce is related to recruitment of high skill and smart candidates. By making attractive job posting, approaching different candidates and taking a well-organised interview, HR managers select talented and high-quality candidates from the list of several candidates. It is important for the organisation to select such candidates who can meet the organisational requirements. Unretirement provides an organisation with the opportunity to maintain long-term retention of highly skilled and experienced HR managers and staffs who are far better than the young staffs to select right candidates for right designations. Unretirement also makes the HR team able to have potential HR leader who is aged, and experience thereby can direct the entire team in a well-organised way to select the highly qualifies and smart as well as skilled candidates. However, it is important for an organization to deal with smart candidates who ally innovative ideas and thoughts to confront nee marketing challenges. Therefore it is important for all company to take the concept of unretirement seriously.

Learning as well as development: HR managers are responsible for enhancing the employee knowledge by conducting proper training as well as personal development program. If any worker announces his or her retirement, HR must evaluate the ability of that worker to continue the work. If a worker is unable to perform the ob anymore, he or she can take retirement. However if the employee can continue the work and he or she wants to do it, then their staffs cannot take retirement.

Replacement as well as succession planning: When any staffs want to leave the organisation, it is the duty of HR managers to evaluate the actual reason for this replacement. An employee can openly discuss their problems regarding the replacement of designation in a company.

Knowledge management: Retaining high skilled HR staffs, even in part times well as contingent status allows a company to promote fresh as well as innovative knowledge which enhance the marketing perception of organisational staffs. Hr staffs provide all the necessary information to the entire workforce such as company needs, the financial position of an organisation, its background and its business process.

Employee referrals: Contractors and freelancers can be an effective source of the employee referrals. For recruiting or terminating any non-employee, it is not needed to conduct employee referral program. Employee referral can be best as well as cost-effective process for recruiting staffs in organisation

Employee engagement: If there is unretirement for all the staffs who want to continue their job, HR cold can make dedicated and effective workforce. This enhances the aspiration of staffs to put their best effort into their organisation to meet the organisational target.

it can be concluded that, the HR team can enhance employee’s dedication and effort towards their work by promoting unretirement. It would not only enhance employee engagement but also leads to retention of the potential workforce. By getting clear knowledge on unretirement, HR team can promote knowledge management by promoting proper learning and developmental outlooks in an organization. Unretirement also makes HR managers allowed to promote a high level of performance management in a workplace to promote strong employee framework.