Human resource management is the practice, where the managers of the companies try to develop effective strategy to handle the workplace and workforce of leading the employee towards the organisational success (Noe et al., 2017). The study aims at exploring the scope and elements of the Human resource management in the organisational context as well as it also focuses on analysing the benefits of the Human resource management practice n the workplace. The organisation Morrison is the famous fourth largest supermarket chain in the UK and it provides quality products and services to the customers. The organisation has more than 500 stores through which it provides the quality products including food, drinks, clothing, magazines, CDs and personal necessities. Hereby, the practice of human resource management will be evaluated and the benefits of the practice in the context of the organisation Morrison will also be discussed to understand the impacts of managing the human resource practice to achieve future success.
The major purposes of the human resource management are such as staffing, employee compensation and benefits and designing the work at the organisation. The major purpose of having the suitable human resource management practice is to maximise the organisational productivity where the firm is able to maximise their profitability by enhancing the performance of the employees (Cascio, 2015). The human resource of the organisation plays a crucial role in running the operational activities as well as it is effective to enhance the organisational performance as a whole. Apart from that, the major purpose of the human resource management is to enhance the productivity of the firm through which it can maximise the organisational profitability. In this context, the human resource management practice in the organisation Morrison is also appropriate to enhance the productivity of the company where the organisation is able to hold the position in the UK retail industry as well as gain high competitive advantage and market share. The human resource management practice is also beneficial for the organisation where the major purpose of the human resource department is to create values for the employees, who are major stakeholders to contribute in the organisational success. Additionally, the organisation Morrison is also efficient to manage their employees and other staff members due to having proper human resource management practice, rules and ethical practice which in turn helps the firm to lead employees towards achieving future success. The functions of the human resource management including the planning and staffing as well as developing the employees relations are the major functions where the main purpose of maximising the organisational productivity can be fulfilled well.
Figure 1: Purpose of the Human resource management
(Source: Bratton and Gold, 2017)
In addition to this, the major scope of the human resource management practice are such as employee hiring, remuneration, employee motivation, maintenance of the workplace, managing industrial relationship and maximising the organisational profitability. The scope of employee motivation is effective, where the company Morrison can enhance the performance of the employees through developing the strategic planning of creating values for the employees, where the employees can get monetary and non-monetary rewards in the organisation and maximise their contribution in the organisation. On the other hand, the industrial relations can be enhanced and the organisational performance can be improved through effective human resource management practice which is beneficial to maximise the scope.
Figure 2: Scope of human resource management
(Source: Aravamudhan and Krishnaveni, 2015)
Increasing the profitability and long term success of the organisations are other scope. For example, Morrison is the fourth largest retail supermarket chain for having a strong tem where the skilled workforce contributes positively in enhancing the organisational performance and achieving the future success of the firm. Through the human resource management practice of the organisations such as providing performance related pay, training and development program as well as monetary rewards are effective for the employees of Morrison, where they try to maximise their performance for fulfilling the organisational objective which is to become a famous brand in the retail industry and to deliver quality products and services to the customers of the maximisation of the customer’s satisfaction.
There are different types of human resource practice in the organisation which contribute positively in the workplace where the firm can create values for the employees and lead them towards achieving future success. In this regard, the major human resource management practices are such as arranging training and development program, performance and reward management, talent management, human resource planning, improving employee relationship, performance reviews, personal administration and organisational culture. Through this human resource management practice, it is possible for the organisation to achieve future success (Buckley et al., 2019). In this regard, all the human resource development practice has benefits for the employers and also for the employees of the Morrison. Considering the training and development program for the employees, both the employees and the employers of the organisation Morrison will be profitable. The employees get proper training for personal and professional’s development which in turn motivate them to performance better and achieve future success. It is also beneficial for the employer in the organisation to improve the organisational performance and utilise the employee’s skill and knowledge to perform the operational activities more efficiently.
Figure 3: Human resource management practice
(Source: Lo, Macky and Pio, 2015)
In addition to this, the organisation Morrison also focuses on performance appraisal and reward management, which are also effective for handling the workplace. The employees are beneficial for effective performance appraisal and rewards where they can earn more by performing efficiently at the workplace. This further motivates the employees to contribute positively and maximise their values. The employer is also beneficial where the employer can maximise the performance and crate values for the stakeholders in long run. Employee relationship is another practice, where the manager of the human resource department of Morrison focuses on building strong corporate relationship with all the employees and led them properly to achieve future success (Armstrong, Landers, and Collmus, 2016). This is effective for the employees to perform as a partnership basis and maximise the organisational value in long run and the employer of the company is also beneficial through building such relationship with the employees so that the leader can empower the employees in the decision making practice where the cooperative decision can be made with cooperation and communication. The practice of partnership working and the enhancing internal communication are also effective for both the employees and the employer in the organisation Morrison to improve working practice and share knowledge and skill with each other for better performance.
The organisational performance can be enhanced as a whole, where the contribution of the employees den on monetary and non-monetary rewards as well as motivation and freedom to work. In this regard, the organisational culture is another crucial factor in management practice of the human resource, where the manager focus on managing transparency and accountability as well as tread all the employees fairly at the workplace an managing cultural diversity and these practice further helps the employer to mitigate the internal conflicts and lead the employees towards achieving future success. Hereby, the human resource management practice are effective for both the employees and the employers to create values for all the stakeholders, engaged with Morrison as well as maximise the organisational productivity and performance to fulfil the pre-specified goal and objectives of the firm.
There are several external and internal factors that influence the employer of the organisation to develop the human resource practice in the organisation. In this regard, the external factors are such as social economic factors, wage act, employment rules and supply and demand of the employees which are effective factors to reshape the employment policies and practice. The government rules and legislations to hire the employees and protection of the employees are effective to reshape the organisational policies and practice to handle the workforce successfully.
Figure 4: External and internal factors affecting the human resource management
(Source: Morgeson, Brannick and Levine, 2019)
On the other hand, the internal factors are there which are also influential to encourage the employer for developing effective human resource practice in the organisational workplace. the internal factors such as company payment system, packages for the skilled workforce, company size and rules and responsibilities of the employees, cost of recruitment and growth rate of the company are effective for the organisation Morrison, where the leader of the organisation focuses on developing the internal strengthen to restructure the employment rules and legislation to perform better and establish the brand successfully in the market.
In the workplace of the company like Morrison, there are strict rules and legislations to handle the workplace. In this regard, the Data Protection Act 1998 is effective to maintain the employ’s data and information where the information is kept with safety and security in the workplace. Additionally, the Equality Act 2010 is appropriate to improve fair treatment where all the employees are treated equally and the employer of the company Morrison can maximise employee’s values successfully. Minimum Wage Act 2016 is effective to restructure the salary and performance related pay of the employees, where Morrison is effective to provide proper salary to the employees and on the other hand, Health and Safety Act 2015 is effective to maintain the safety and security of the employees in the workplace., in this regard Morrison provide safe workplace and insurance to the employees to create values for the staff members working in the organisational workplace (Diaz‐Carrion, López‐Fernández and Romero‐Fernandez, 2018). The Employment Rights Act 1996 maximises the human rights o the employees, where freedom to choose the working hours, managing harmony in the workplace and creating values for the employees by providing proper training and development program as well as balancing their personal and professional life.
There are different methods of recruitment and selection such as internal, external and third party sourcing, where the company tries to recruit and select the right candidate suitable for the organisational job responsibilities. In this regard, internal sources of recruitment are such as employee referrals, former employees, promotion of the present employees and previous applicants who know about the organisational culture and the working activities in the organisation. On the other hand, the external process of recruitment includes employees exchanges, word of mouth, employment agencies, advertisement and company recruitment portals, where the company can choose the right candidate among a huge numbers of workforce in the market. In this regard, the internal recruitment is cheaper and quicker process, people are familiar with the organisational culture and it provides an opportunity to promote the business. On the other hand, the weaknesses are limiting the potential applicants, creating another vacancy and no new ideas are introduced from outside. On the other hand, the external recruitment processes for the organisation Morrison are beneficial for adopting new skill and culture, large number of candidate pool and avoiding ripple effects. On the other hand, the weaknesses of the external recruitment for the company Morrison are high turnover rate, cultural shock and reducing motivation of the internal employees.
The human resource management practice is applied in the company Morrison for managing the workplace in the company and maximise the productivity of the firm, where the employees can contribute positively in achieving the future success. The company focuses on creating values for all the employees who are major stakeholders to run the business efficiently and improve the overall performance of the business. The practice of internal and external recruitment and selection in Morrison is also beneficial to hire the experienced workers who can contribute positively to achieve the organisational goals.
Job descriptions of the two major jobs will be evaluated where the two fields are human resource manager and the customer relationship manager. There are two vacancies in the organisation Morrison where one is for human resource manager and other is for customer relationship manager. The two job descriptions are evaluated further.
Job descriptions for the post of the human resource manager |
Job descriptions for the post of the customer relationship manager |
From the above two posts, it is necessary to develop own job advertisement, where it is possible to retain the candidates and experienced workforce for successful recruitment and selection in the organisation Morrison.
Company name: Morrison Job vacancy: Human resource manager Details of job: Post: Assistant human resource manager Salary: $25000 - $30000 Job Type: Full time and permanent Job description: Purpose of the job:
Roles and responsibilities:
Name: XYZ Phone No. 123 Email: Objective: To get efficient position in the known organisation as a human resource manager and to enhance personal and professional development by participating in challenging jobs ad utilising the organisational resources for achieving future carrier goal. Qualification:
Roles in the company:
1. What is your qualification and skills as a human resource manager? 2. What is your preferred management style? 3. What is ideal workplace for you? 4. How do you deal unethical situation at the workplace? 5. What are your understandings in creating values for the employees? 6. How can human resource manager contribute in business success? 7. How you manage employment laws at the workplace? 8. As an HR manager, what will be your strategy to drive result? |
1. What is your qualification and skills as a human resource manager? I have completed MBA in human resource management and also I have experience of 2 years in a company where I worked as an employee in the human resource department. 2. What is your preferred management style? I generally prefer democratic management style, where the leader and the employees work together to make sustainable decision for the benefits of the organisation. 3. What is ideal workplace for you? The ideal workplace for me is where there are proper cooperation and communication among the leaders, managers and employees as well as there is transparency and accountability in the workplace. 4. How do you deal unethical situation at the workplace? I would try to arrange group meeting and involve all the people in the organisation and discuss over the issue so that the internal conflicts can be mitigated well. 5. What are your understandings in creating values for the employees? I focus on creating values for the employees through continuous encouragement, maintaining harmony and giving freedom to work as well as restructuring the salary and providing proper performance related pay and incentives. 6. How can human resource manager contribute in business success? The human resource manager takes active part in achieving the business success by enhancing the performance of the employees and managing them for the long run. 7. How you manage employment laws at the workplace? I aim at implementing Employment rules and legislations in the organisation and convince the colleagues to manage the acts for ethical practice. 8. As a human resource manager, what will be your strategy to drive result? As a human resource manager, my strategy will be enhance cooperation and improve the practice of partnership working to communicate and collaborate with others and mange the team successfully in the organisation. |
Through the process of interview in recruiting and selecting the right candidate, it is possible to build relationship with the recruiter and the candidate. In this regard, the interview process is beneficial, where the questions are effective for the recruiter to identify the skill and abilities of the employee, however, it would be more effective of the recruiter mainly focus on the personal experience of the candidate, so that experience and field related activities of the candidate can be evaluated for recruiting the right candidate for the organisation.
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