Human Resource


In an organisation, it is too much important that the HR team of that organisation should take care of their employees so that the hygiene factor and motivational tactics in the organisation should be maintained well at the workplace. The employees are the main assets of an organisation; those are responsible to upgrade the organisational performance periodically. In this detailed report, the learner will discuss over the facts, which are essential for providing proper job satisfaction to the employees. Along with this, the learner would discuss over the terms or the elements related to the motivation of the human resources at the workplace. The entire study should be done in the context of how in Brazil, the human resources are being managed by the corporate sectors in any of organisation.

Analyse the national culture of Brazil, and evaluate what any cultural differences might suggest regarding the management of the Brazilian workforce

Internal and external influence collaborative working between different customers:

In an organisation, there are two different kinds of environments, internal and external. Human resources of the organisation conceive the internal environment and rest of the stakeholders are belonging to external environment. As per the chosen case scenario of IRC, in the nation like Brazil, which is also known as emerging market, are managing their human resources intransitive way. Thus, they can get better human resource from the local environment. The nation Brazil has secured the score rate of 38 for managing human resources that has revealed that most of the individuals in Brazil are creative as well as knowledgeable by birth. Their nourishment is done at their school level and college in such a way so that they can easily catch or grab the corporate culture comfortably. Hofstede Insights, (2018) stated that, people of Brazil are trustworthy and they are very helpful to each other that are the reason the nation is now so called as emerging market. The statement has deduced that the nature of Brazilians are so tentative that is the reason the MNCs get positive supports from the locality while entering in the market.

Apart from the above fact, in an organisation, the human resources or the culture of the organisation is highly influenced by both internal as well as external factors. The internal factors are like the behaviour of the organisation towards their employees and the external factors are societal culture of the Brazil. Hofstede Insights, (2018) stated that, in the Brazil there is less chance of discrimination taking place in the society. The statement has deduced that the government of Brazil follows the rules of democracy and never done any discrimination between men and women. They are always supportive to both genders within the organisational culture. The numbers of men are higher as compared to women but in the society, the women get proper rights. This has proved that in the nation, both male and female have their right to live in the society as well as they are apparently loaded with the importance in the society.

The nature of the customers highly influences the nature of a human being or human resources. Hofstede Insights, (2018) stated that in an organisation, an employee or an individual could work apparently or comfortably only if they have good support from their management as well as customers. From the statement, it has been stated that IRC has decided to open hospitals in the rural area of Brazil and hence the organisation would get proper support from the local environment of Brazil.

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Model theory:

The Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Model has been defined as motivation theory that is being implemented by any of organisation in the working area with the aim to increase the moral value of employees. The chosen organisation IRC has decided to open new hospitals in the rural area of Brazil and for that, the organisation has decided to recruit 100 specialists and doctors from all over the world as well as 500 co-workers from the local environment of Brazil. As per the case study, if the organisation IRC is deciding to manage 500 employees in the organisation then definitely they have to implement motivational theory or model at the workplace so that they can easily manage the enthusiasm of the employees at the workplace.

The Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Model has been defined as the motivational model according to which at the workplace the managers or the leaders focus over the hygiene factors. Alshmemri et al. (2017) stated that for an organisation the most important factor is the culture of the working environment. It is being assuming that if the working culture is not favourable for the employees at the workplace, then it will demotivate them to perform their task concentrically. Thus, the organisation or the management should take care of it by implementing motivational factors.


Given the results of your cultural analysis, identify and evaluate a Reward System that would be appropriate for a Brazilian workforce in this context Equality stabilising first:

Given the results of your cultural analysis, identify and evaluate a Reward System that would be appropriate for a Brazilian workforce in this context Equality stabilising first:

Extrinsic reward system:

As per the extrinsic reward system, the organisation should need to follow few factors such as Bonus, Salary raise and Promotion.


The term bonus has been defined as the marginal term by the help of which the organisations are inspiring their employees to put more efforts in their tasks or jobs. The term bonus has been defined as the extra income for an employee that has been given by the organisation from their profit. Bonuses cannot be considered as the incentive because incentive is the individual achievement and bonus is considered as an achievement by entire organisation. Aslam et al. (2015) stated that in the service sector, it is quite hard to set the period of bonus or rate of bonus because the motive of those organisations is to provide better services to the community or customers rather than earning. The statement has deduced that, for the chosen organisation like IRC, it might quite hard to set the rate of bonus but they can give bonus to their employees in non-monetary form also like holidays or leave.

Salary Raise:

The organisation might go for salary raise reward system to motivate the employees in the organisation. De Gieterand Hofmans (2015) stated that if the organisation should raise the salary of the employees, then it would help the organisation to gain the trust of their employees. The statement has revealed that for the organisation, its employees are so much important for them and so the organisations have to try to motivate their employees in the workplace by giving them hike. The statement has even deduced that, the proposed reward system would help the organisation to retain their employees at the workplace.


Promotion is another extrinsic factor that would help the organisation to get positive support from the employees at the workplace. It is the responsibility of the organisation that, they should go for internal promotional scheme rather than hiring any of new leader or managers from external environment. From the perspective of the organisation, it is so much important that the conglomerate should promote the proficiency of the employees as per their outcomes (Shields et al. 2015).

Intrinsic Reward System:


The information or the knowledge is the criteria by the help of which the organisation is providing relevant information to the individuals at the workplace. Siegrist (2016) defines that if the management or the organisation provides relevant information to their individuals, then they can work prominently at the workplace. The statement has deduced that for an organisation, the individuals are the respected people, who are being appointed to perform organisational tasks. The statement has deduced that proper and relevant information would help the individual to understand the criteria of the job as well as job profile that has make them easy to attempt their task in better way.


Conferences is another way that helps the organisation to hold discussion session over the problems or challenges facing by the human resources at the workplace. From a previous study over HR management in the hotel industry of Brazil, it has been found that the hotel industry used the term conferences for taking managerial decision regarding the development of the HR in an organisation. This has deduced that the conference session is helpful for an organisation to take remedial decision at the workplace from the perspective of the organisational development (Šajeva, 2014).

As per the discussion, it has been articulated that the chosen organisation IRC might go for both bonus as well as conference strategy for motivating their employees as well as taking care of the interest of the employees at the workplace. From the discussion, it has been deduced that the organisations might go for all these defined factors or the types of reward system so that they can achieve the organisational goals and objectives. As per the chosen case study, the organisation IRC has decided to open hospital in the rural areas of Brazil, and for that, they need 500 local experts as well as employees. Big team needed better as well as potential management for performing their part of job at the workplace. This is the reason it has been suggested that the organisation IRC should go with various reward system in the organisation so that it can periodically motivates its employees to perform their job.

Apart from the above discussion, it has been deduced that the chosen organisation needed to focus over the culture of the workplace as well as culture of the employees so that they can manage well the labour at the workplace. Jungand Yoon (2015) stated that, the labours are the most intrusive factor of an organisation and culture is the only way that might attract or retain those employees at the workplace. The statement has deduced that as the organisation IRC has decided to open hospitals in the rural area that means the organisation have to work hard over the cultural factor. The reason is, as per the culture of the rural area of Brazil, the organisation IRC needs to frame their organisational culture to manage their employees at the workplace. The statement has even articulated that, the organisational culture might be influenced by the external factors such as culture and the behaviour of the people in Brazil that is the reason the organisation or the management of the organisation have to create plan to handle these kind of issues.

The organisational plan might be taken place after the market research done by the research and development division of the organisation. This organisational plan would help IRC to estimate their future risk also to manage their workforce positively.

Using Perlmutter's EPRG taxonomy, evaluate the alternative solutions sourcing a General Manager for the new hospital, ensuring you justify why your recommendation would be a sound choice

The organisational culture played an important role at the workplace for retaining employees at the organisation. By The help of Permutter’s EPRG model, the learner would discuss how the organisational culture is important for retaining employees at the workplace. As per the proposed figure, in an organisation, the management have to focus over few factors such as Ethnocentric, Geocentric, Polycentric and Regiocentric to maintain the organisational culture at the workplace.

Ethnocentric: According to the theory, the authorities of an organisation is not using the resources of the hosted nation. The top management of the organisation under this concept is not ready to hire any of board of members or higher designated person from the external environment as they believed that any new employee at higher positioned might not be comfortable for the organisation and due to which any kind of internal chaos could take place in the organisation. Trąpczyński and Wrona(2014) stated that, ethically the theory is not favourable because if an organisation is operating in another nation, then as per the economic perspective, the organisation should provide employment opportunity in that nation. This will help the host nation to develop their GDP rate. The statement has reduced that, if an organisation has decided to extend its business in the international market, then the organisation has to be sure with this fact that they should use the human resource from that nation. As per the given case study, the IRC has decided to hire 500 individuals from the host nation Brazil, but 100 of health experts would be taken from the existed team. Ethically the factor states negative image, but from the perspective of the organisational structure, it is right. Here, the role of the general manager is to hire the employees from the local community, and if from them they found anyone capable then they can add him or her into their top-level panel. The decision has been taken by the organisation with the respect to reduce any miscommunication at the workplace.

Geocentric: The geocentric theory has been defined from the perspective of the organisation, how they will utilised the concentric individuals at the workplace. As per this concept, the general manager of the chosen organisation would not focus over the nationality of the individuals if the employee or that individual has as much calibre to perform his or her job at the workplace. Duréndez and Wach (2014) stated in the context of this chosen concept that it is the responsibility of the organisation to select eligible as well as educated employees at the workplace so that there should be no delay in the outcomes. The statement has deduced that under this concept, the organisation has to set a motive that they will not follow any discrimination in the organisation and would provide favourable chance to all those desired as well as eligible candidates as per the job profile. The drawback of this concept is it is only focusing over the capability of the employees or the individuals. However, the fact is right, but the concept is the organisation that is operating its business in different nation have to concentrate over the capabilities of the individuals, but in the same way, the organisation has to manage the balance between global integration and local integration.

Polycentric: When an organisation is operating in different nation, that large sector organisation has the responsibility to take care of the domestic market of that hosted nation. The concept has been defined that in the host nation, the international organisation has to focus over the domestic market of that nation because domestic market played an important role in the international market for any of international organisation. Ruzza (2014) stated that in the international market any of large sector organisations is focusing over the domestic market of host nation. If the large sector organisation werenot focusing over the domestic also if failed to understand the importance of the domestic market that might be that large sector organisation would be failed to meet its market need. As per the chosen case scenario, the major role of the general manager of IRC is to keep his or her eyes on over the domestic market of Brazil.

Regiocentric: As per this theory, a large sector organisation which is operating its business in another nation have to focus over the social, political, economic, environmental, technological and legal factors of hosted nation. Alon et al. (2016) stated that the external factors are needed to be analysed by the higher authority of the organisation before entering into new market to estimate the risk factor. From the statement, it has been deduced that the general manager of IRC has to focus hard over the external factors.

Conclusion and Recommendations

As per the above discussion, it has been suggested that the organisation IRC needed to focus over the socio-cultural factors such as social, economic, environmental and legal factors. This will further help IRC to establish their market in better way. Along with this, it has been suggested that the terms or the elements related to the motivation of the human resources at the workplace needed to use by IRC. As per the entire study, it is being suggested that the chosen nation Brazil has qualitative human resources that can be managed by any of the corporate sectors the market such as IRC. From the discussion, it has been suggested that the organisation has to keep focus over different reward system so that IRC could be able to motivate their selected human resources and retain them at the workplace.

As per the detailed study, in an organisation, it is too much important that the team HR of that organisation should take care of their employees so that the hygiene factor in the organisation should be maintained well at the workplace. It has been deducedthat the employees are the main assets of an organisation those are responsible to upgrade the organisational performance periodically. In this detailed report, it has been discussed over the facts that are essential for providing proper job satisfaction to the employees. Along with this, the learner had also discussed over the terms or the elements related to the motivation of the human resources at the workplace. The entire study has been done in the context of how in Brazil the human resources are being managed by the corporate sectors in any of organisation. In this detailed study, the learner has discussed over the elements such as reward system and the EPRG framework to understand the concept of impact of organisational cultural over the overall performance of IRC. As per the discussion, it has been deduced that the organisation IRC might implement these elements to get better development in the targeted market, Brazil.


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